City builders have always been among the more meditative and ‘flow-state inducing’ genres for many people. This week we play two city-builder games, Islanders and Dorfromantik which offer simplified but vastly different takes on the city builder genre. Islanders is a low poly score-chasing city builder that always nets you a view of one or more gorgeous cities at the end of a round. Dorfromantik is a hex-based city builder that tasks the player with keeping the city going by pursuing quests the game procedurally generates for you. Both are highly relaxing games by German development studios. Join Bryan and Josh for a discussion comparing and contrasting these two city builders in a podcast we’re calling ‘Simple Cities’
3 Word Reviews:
Bryan - Chill Island Time
Josh - Pretty Itty-bitty City
Bryan - Carcassonne as Solitaire
Josh - Single Player Carcassonne