Last Epoch has been in Early access since 2018, a snowball of an ARPG, slowly gathering steam as it descends the mountain to eventually rest at the side of some of the all time great hack and slash RPGs. Bryan and Josh have both played a fair few of what they hoped would be the ‘successor to Dialbo II”, and most (all?) have come up short. But Eleventh Hour Games’ Kickstarter game turned long-term project is making a run for the crown. Boasting some innovative mechanics, a novel world design concept, and some extremely entertaining, if familiar, classes to play with, Last Epoch plows through a lot of the problems that most games in this genre run headlong into. Not satisfied with smashing into the brick wall of similarity, its a title that forges some interesting new paths for the genre, and does so on the back of being a single player experience for the first four plus years of its development cycle. Listen in for Bryan and Josh’s time travelling exploits in the world of Eterra, but stay for the in-depth discussion of what makes a great hack and slash game stand the test of time.
Three Word Reviews:
Bryan - Crafty Dungeon Crawler
Josh - Respect the Respec
Show Notes: