If you do everything right, the plant we’re discussing this week will look kind of dead! Did that get your attention? If that sounds appealing to you - and it does to us - then you really should give the Bundle of Sticks Plant, Cynanchum marnierianum, a try. What are our experiences with this surprisingly easy plant? How can you even tell if it's thriving? And why are we not surprised Stephen already owned it? This is one we both love!
Then on the After Show, we discuss what we found when we looked for online communities of Plant Parents with a love for "Dead Stick Plants," and what this interest might look like outside of the succulent world. To listen, head over to Patreon - Official Patrons get to listen ad-free with exclusive access to our After Shows!
https://www.patreon.com/plantdaddypodcastAre you in the Seattle area? Come see us live at the Volunteer Park Conservatory June 18th as we host a Pride Plant Parenthood Panel! Tickets at:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pride-plant-parenthood-with-plant-daddy-podcast-tickets-341371761127We’ve teamed up with Soltech Solutions! Save 15% on amazing plant lights with code PLANTDADDYPODCAST!
Show notes: