It’s an event that Russians, Ukrainians and the rest of the world have been thinking about, but one that many people didn’t think would actually happen: Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Tense warnings and attempts at diplomacy have been discarded, with airstrikes and resistance arriving instead. Today, Playbook author Ryan Lizza talks with two journalists — Nataliya Gumenyuk and Uliana Pavlova — about the events unfolding in Kyiv and along the Russian border right outside of the Donbas region.
Ryan Lizza is a Playbook co-author for POLITICO.
Natalia Gumenyuk is a reporter in Kiev.
Uliana Pavlova is a freelance journalist in Moscow.
Kara Tabor is a producer for POLITICO audio.
Carlos Prieto is a producer for POLITICO audio.
Jenny Ament is the senior producer for POLITICO audio.
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