We're joined today by Sequoia Simone (@sassquoia) to talk about the much awaited Bridget Jones's Diary, starring Renée Zellweger's British accent and the cast of Harry Potter. Topics discussed include aspects of the film that didn't age well, similarities and differences between this loose adaptation and the source material, and Colin Firth.
To hear more of Sequoia's work, check out Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them and But Make It Scary. If you want to hear Becca and Molly turn Bridget Jones into a scary movie, check out THIS EPISODE!
Cast and Crew of Bridget Jones's Diary
Soundtrack of Bridget Jones's Diary
Next Episode: Sense and Sensibility Chapters 23-25
Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios, transcripts, check out our website at podandprejudice.com. Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by speechdocs.com. To support the show, check out our Patreon!
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