Today, we're discussing the most dramatic section of the 1995 adaptation of Sense and Sensibility, which also happens to be the end of the film. We're joined again by Caroline Mincks as we thirst after Hugh Laurie, debate the reality of Ohio, and weep over Emma Thompson's heart-wrenching performance.
Glossary of People, Places, and Things: House, Olivia Wilde, What Will Be Here?, Wife Swap, Much Ado About Nothing, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Cards Against Humanity, laudanum, the Hand Flex, West Side Story
Next Episode: Sense and Sensibility (2008)
To hear more of Caroline's work, check out Seen and Not Heard, Light Hearts, Hughes and Mincks Ghost Detectives, Silly Old Bear, and This Planet Needs a Name. Follow them on Twitter at @saucymincks.
Cast and Crew of Sense and Sensibility
Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios, transcripts, check out our website at Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by To support the show, check out our Patreon!
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