Our significant others are back to talk about dinosaurs, Tinkerbell, and the second part of the first installment of the 2008 adaptation of Sense and Sensibility.
Glossary of People, Places, and Things: Jurassic Park, Schitt's Creek, Harry Potter, Piers Morgan, Mary Martin Peter Pan, Glee, Dentity Crisis, Christopher Walken, Aaron's Party, Legally Blonde the Musical, Mamma Mia, Captain America
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For more of Mel's work, check out North Coast at @northcoastnyc, or follow her personal account at @melrubin2. To keep up with her tiny dog, follow @milothemiki.
For more of Mike's work, check out The Other Side of Darkness at @seinpeaks and Welcome to Twin Speaks at @welcometotwinspeaks, or follow his comedy account at @mikedowdcomedy.
Cast and Crew of Sense and Sensibility
Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios, transcripts, check out our website at podandprejudice.com. Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by speechdocs.com. To support the show, check out our Patreon!
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