MEN? The Ghosting of Marianne Dashwood, or Elinor Dashwood is a Goddamn Liar: a new play about chapters 26-28 of Sense and Sensibility, in which we see Willoughby again and he does NOT live up to Marianne's expectations.
Topics discussed include the return of Colonel Brandon, stanning Mrs. Jennings and modern plumbing, late-term ghosting, the WEATHER, and the horror version of Sense and Sensibility.
Study Questions: Topics discussed include the shift to London, Willoughby's behavior, a theory about Eddie, Brandon's behavior, and how our heroines are processing their heartbreak.
Funniest Quote: 'Mr. Palmer sauntered towards the Miss Dashwoods to express his surprise on seeing them in town, though Colonel Brandon had been first informed of their arrival at his house, and he had himself said something very droll on hearing that they were to come.
“I thought you were both in Devonshire,” said he.
“Did you?” replied Elinor.
“When do you go back again?”
“I do not know.” And thus ended their discourse.'
Questions Moving Forward: Men? WTF is up with Eddie and Lucy? Who is the fashionable young lady? Why did Brandon leave Barton?
Who wins the chapters? Colonel Brandon, for: "That he may he endeavor to deserve her."
Glossary of Terms and Phrases:
hartshorn (n): smelling salts
Glossary of People, Places, and Things: Dump their ass, Samuel French, Eternal Sunshine
Next Episode: Chapters 29-30
Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios, transcripts, check out our website at Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by To support the show, check out our Patreon!
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