THE TRUTH COMES OUT! Edward and Lucy's engagement is revealed to the world at long last, and Elinor FINALLY speaks her mind to Marianne. Topics discussed include sisterhood, second love, gay Edward, a call for Shrek fan art, ladies night with Mrs. Jennings, it's not you it's me.
Study Questions: Topics discussed include Edward being disowned, sisterhood and shifting dynamics, the Economics of Dating in Jane Austen, Lucy's endgame
Funniest Quote: "She listened to her praise of Lucy with only moving from one chair to another, and when Mrs. Jennings talked of Edward's affection, it cost her only a spasm in her throat."
Questions moving forward: What is Lucy doing? Does she love Edward? Will we leave London now? Will the Willoughbys come back?
Who wins the chapters? Elinor
Glossary of Terms and Phrases:
red gum (n): teething
solicitude (n): care or concern for someone or something
Glossary of People, Places, and Things: Ella Enchanted, Enchanted, BoJack Horseman, Revenge of the Sith, Shrek, Shrek 2, Kathy Bates, The House in the Cerulean Sea
Next Episode: Chapters 39-41 of Vol. III Chapters 3-5
Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios, transcripts, check out our website at Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by To support the show, check out our Patreon!
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