Governments around the world are mandating COVID vaccination to curb the pandemic. Although they want you to believe the benefits outweigh the risks, how can a mandatory vaccination infringe on individual freedom? How far can you get defending your constitutional rights?
In today’s episode of the Pod Bless America Podcast, Jim and Dan talk with Fredrick Stevens, Sheriff of Seneca County, about his stance about the federal government's COVID vaccine mandate, how far he goes in defending constitutional rights, and what’s his next step if the government ignores his petition.
Sheriff Stevens is one of those constitutional sheriffs that you all wish you had. He's one of those sheriffs that believe in the constitution. He believes in his oath and he is willing to stand up against anybody that he thinks may be getting in the way of that oath.
In This Episode
1:11 - Backstory of Sheriff Fredrick
5:58 - How he stood up against the federal government's COVID vaccines mandate
10:08 - A snippet of the memo Sheriff Fred wrote for his entire staff
12:45 - How far he goes in defending their constitutional rights against mandatory vaccination
19:43 - In case the federal government insists its mandate is in force, what is his next step?
24:08 - His stance on the mask mandate as the chief of police
32:22 - Sheriff's final thoughts on constitutional rights
Favorite Quotes
"With the federal government currently the way they are, having a constitutional sheriff I think is more important to everybody with each election. Are you going to protect this county when the federal government comes in here to try to take our guns? Are you going to protect this county when the federal government comes in here and says, we can't speak out against them?" - Jim Larkin
"From the beginning, it's the constitution with me. It's not waffling to whatever political win or group wants it. Right or wrong, some groups didn't want it, but they knew where I stood." - Sheriff Fredrick Stevens
"In today's cancel culture and attack mode mentality, it is hard to take a stand on anything. I am not anti-vaccine and I am not pro-vaccine. All I am is pro-freedom! I am for each person's ability and responsibility to decide for themselves in cooperation with their family doctor whether to get the vaccine or not." - Sheriff Fredrick Stevens
"I am not running for reelection. I'm running to make things right out here to stop the lawsuits, to bring stability, and to bring the constitution back in our country." - Sheriff Fredrick Stevens
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