282 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Månadsvis
Comedians Matt Lieb and Vince Mancini watch every episode of The Sopranos and discuss it with friends, fans, actors, writers, TV critics, and anyone who loves The Sopranos as much as they do.
The podcast Pod Yourself A Gun – A Rewatch Podcast is created by Frotcast LLC. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Mad Man House
Gareth Reynolds of The Dollop, Past Times and We’re Here to Help is here to help Matt & Vince process the season one finale of Mad Men, episode 13, “The Wheel.”
To paraphrase Vince’s off-the-dome episode synopsis: Peggy’s got a tummy ache so bad she has to give birth, Betty goes spy-mode on Don after Francine learns her husband is cheating, and Pete’s father-in-law really wants Pete to rawdog Trudy. On top of all that, Kodak has re-invented the wheel and needs Don to convince America to buy one.
A new viewer, Gareth gets introduced to almost every important character, including Marten Holden Weiner’s Glen character. Glen might not know how long fifteen minutes is, but he knows how to capture the hearts of even the most jaded podcaster.
Tell us about your ideal man house in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for Apple, Fugazi, The Wrestler, Keebler, & Farmer’s Daughter.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Who Cares?
The results are in: The next podcast you listen to will be this one, with Rachel Fisher from the Hollywood Crime Scene podcast returning to talk to Matt & Vince about Mad Men season one episode twelve, “Nixon vs. Kennedy.”
The rank and file at Sterling Cooper throw a little party to watch the results of the Nixon/ Kennedy election roll in and it has all the trappings of a 60s office party: jugs of creme de menthe, the staged reading of a one-act play, and, of course, rampant sexual harassment.
This is also the episode where we learn just what happened to old Dick Whitman in Korea. He pissed himself to death in a fiery explosion and Don Draper rose from the cigarette ashes. Pete doesn’t know all the details, but that doesn’t stop him from tattling to the boss that Don isn’t who he says he is. But this is America, so Burt Cooper is like, lol who cares? This guy could be named Dick Foreskin and have bodies buried in his backyard as long as he keeps making me money.
Tell us which role you want to play in Kinsey’s one-act play in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for De La Soul, The Butcher, & Dingbat.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
That Funny Feeling
This week’s episode of the pod will give you the flush and glow not only that you might have after hours of exercise, but certainly as a young girl. Isn’t it nice to feel that way whenever you want? Writer, comedian, & JonBenét Ramsey case scholar Ashley Ray joins Matt & Vince to discuss Mad Men season one episode eleven, “Indian Summer.”
Before there were door-to-door solar panel salesmen trying to sleep with our wives, there were door-to-door air conditioning salesmen trying to sleep with our wives. So you can imagine how pissed Don is when betty lets one of these lechers into his home. The nerve of this woman to let another man into Don Draper’s home while Don is busy supporting his family and/or sleeping with Rachel Menken – the sheer gall.
But hey the gals have needs too, which is why Peggy gets an assignment to write copy for a new female masturbatory aid disguised as an exercise aid. She gets a raise and a new sex toy. Not a bad day at the office for ol’ Peg.
Tell us how you would describe vibrating underwear for a 60’s ad in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for The Raconteur & DB Cooper.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
And Twiiiiins
The only thing better than a long weekend spent philandering is listening to this week’s episode of the pod with Desi Jedeikin from the Hollywood Crime Scene Podcast joining Matt & Vince to break down season one episode ten of Mad Men, “Long Weekend.”
Don loses the Dr. Scholls account, so Roger, in an attempt to cheer Don up and satiate his own pervy needs, pulls some twins auditioning for an aluminum siding ad into the office for some drinks and horseplay. He can’t convince them to kiss each other, but he does get one of them to nearly bang him to death.
After rushing a heart-attacked Roger to the hospital and administering 50 ccs of slap to the face, Don realizes how fragile life is and how he should cherish and respect his wife. Lol yeah right, he goes to Rachel Mencken’s house to use Roger’s near-death experience as a pick up tactic. You know what they say, when God closes an account, he opens a mistress.
Are you going to be nice to us… or cruel? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for Uncle Ben, Danny Boy, & The Night Rimmer.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
She Was a Model, You Know.
This week’s guest may not be familiar with Mad Men, but she’s no stranger to podding herself. iHeart Podcasts Executive Producer and returning guest Anna Hossnieh joins Matt & Vince to talk about season one episode nine, “Shoot.”
After bumping into each other at a Broadway show about Fiorello La Guardia (yes that was a real show) an exec from a rival ad agency, Jim Hobart, tries to lure Don away from Sterling Cooper to the “big leagues” by promising Betty a modeling job for Coca-Cola (she was a model, she reminds everyone throughout the episode). Don turns down the offer, causing Jim to pull Betty from the gig, so she shoots her neighbor’s pigeons. The 60’s: it was a wild time, man.
Back at the office, Pete remembers a dog funeral he attended in college, which directly leads to Sterling Cooper buying a bunch of ad space for laxatives to thwart JFK. The 60’s: it was a wild time, man.
Tell us how you would help Nixon win an election in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
We’re Going to Get High and Listen to a Podcast
You don’t have to spark up a doobie with your beatnik friends to enjoy the latest MYAM, but it probably won’t hurt. Matt and Vince invite the host of Dopey Podcast, David Manheim, to talk about Mad Men season one episode eight, “The Hobo Code.”
If you’ve seen Mad Men, you might remember this as the episode where Don gets baked as a kite and remembers the time a hobo who looked like Father Intentola came to visit his family’s dirt farm. Don remembers that his dad is a dishonest man, so he goes home all red-eyed and wakes up his son like, “I’m Don Draper, AMA. I’ll never lie to you.” Stupid little kid doesn’t even think to ask what Don’s real name is.
Meanwhile, Peggy thinks for a second she can have it all. She’s hooking up with an ad man, her Belle Jolie campaign is a hit, and she gets to celebrate over a drink with the boys, and dance with her coworkers. Pete has to go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like, “I don’t like you like this.” It’s maybe the only time you’ll see someone slut-shamed for doing The Twist.
Tell us what celebrity you saw at the Roosevelt in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for Carnegie, Jack, & Remy.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Sissy with a Chip-and-Dip
Matherton might have the clap, but this week we have co-host and producer of the Blowback Podcast, Brendan James joining Matt & Vince to discuss Mad Men season one episode seven, “Red in the Face.”
Fellas, don’t you hate it when your wife sends you to the store to return a chip-and-dip (you got two), and then gets all mad at you for using the store credit to buy a gun? Pete Campbell sure does, but at least he got to wave the gun around a crowded office before Trudy lit him up at home.
Elsewhere, Roger gets lit up enough at Don’s home to make a pass at Betty. Fellas, don’t you hate it when your wife is polite enough to your drunk boss that he has no choice but to sexually harass her? Don sure does, but at least he gets his revenge by getting Roger to puke up a pile of oysters in front of the RNC.
Tell us what’s in your treasure box in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for Twinkle Toes, Choral, The Professor, The Blooper, & Flowers.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Shouldn’t You Pod the Promised Land?
You may remember when this week’s guest from when she podded herself a gun or podded herself a wire, but today for the first time ever, comedian Katrina Davis joins Matt & Vince to mad herself a man and discuss Mad Men season one episode six, “Babylon.”
Sterling Cooper has a new potential client, the Israeli Board of Tourism, so Don spends the entire episode talking about Israel like he thinks he’s Matt Lieb or something.
The other new client, Belle Jolie lipstick, brings a bucket of samples and the gals around the office generate a pile of lipstick-smattered tissues, or as Peggy calls it, a “basket full of kisses.” A turn of phrase so clever it makes Freddy Rumsen wonder if a woman could be capable of having thoughts.
Pitch us a Israel tourism ad in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this week's shoutouts for The Estate, In Bed, The Judge, The Golfer, The Bread Hospital, & Two Ton.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Did it All for the Newkie
Writer and Pod Yourself a friend, Laremy Legel joins Matt & Vince to talk about Mad Men season one episode five, “5G.”
Don’t worry, the title of the episode is a reference to a hotel room number in the episode, not the secret government plan to make you gay. Don’s half brother, Adam Whitman comes to visit after seeing Don’s photo in Advertising Age after he wins a Newkie Award. At first Don is like, lol I dunno what you’re talking about bro, then he’s like, okay it me, Dick, but I’m glad your mom is dead and I don’t want to be your freakin’ bro, bro. It’s cold, almost as cold as a Vermont morning, which is the setting for a short story Cosgrove gets published in <em>The Atlantic,</em> driving the rest of the ad boys crazy with jealousy.
Tell us what makes you greasy and calm in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this weeks shoutouts for Stacks, Jerry, Franks, Hot Plate, The Gentile, Swish, Grapes, Australopithecus, Zatarans, & Marathon.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Kids These Days
On the pod this week, our guest is a copywriter who wears suits, so he’s basically Don Draper. Comedian and podcaster Allen Strickland Williams joins Matt and Vince to talk about Mad Men season one episode four, “New Amsterdam.”
You listen to the podcast because it’s good. Because it feels better than unbuttoning your collar. Because you deserve it. You listen to the podcast because it’s what piggies do, but I want you to be very clear about this, you were banned from the Patreon. I wanted you out, Allen wanted you out, and you would be, if it weren’t for Matt and Vince. They thought you deserved another chance. Now, I know your generation went to college instead of serving, so I’ll illuminate you, these men are your commanding officers. You live and die in their shadows. Listen to the episode, meet the perfect little pervert Glen, and the disgusting big pervert from Bethlehem Steel, and don’t let Matt & Vince down.
We’ll give you a lock of Matt’s hair if you leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show, like this weeks shoutouts for The Rocket, The Swede, One-Eighty, Golly, Grainsmith, Jailbird, The Klansman, Bourgeois, Hungry, & Taters.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
He’s Not Dick Whitman, He’s a Dickwit, Man
You know him, you love his deep voice, Brendan from the Frotcast is on the pod this week to talk to Matt and Vince about Mad Men season one episode three, “The Marriage of Figaro.”
Slimy Pete Campbell returns from his honeymoon in Niagara to find that those cads at Sterling Cooper have played a devious prank, putting a Chinese-American family (not the words they use) in his office! Jim Halpert could never. It’s a source of constant amusement for the office. No one does racist quips better than a bunch of 60s copywriters.
The Mystery of Don’s second identity unravels a tiny bit more when a Korean war buddy on the train calls him Dick Whitman. If you’ve seen the whole show already, you're like, yeah yeah he’s not Don Draper, he’s Dick Whitman, but if this is your first time watching, you’re like, lol who names their kid Dick Whitman?
Tell us your alcohol of choice to get bombed on while building a playhouse for your kids in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
The Ladies are in the Room and They’re Going Mad, Man
Pour yourself a big glass of rye and stop spying on your wife through her psychiatrist because comedian, host of the Oh Hell Yeah podcast, handsome devil, and producer of Mad Yourself a Man, Brent Flyberg joins Matt & Vince to dissect Mad Men season one episode two of Mad Men, “Ladies Room.”
As noted on the pod, the second episode is often the worst episode of any tv show. “Ladies Room” is no exception. Don’t get me wrong, it still looks good, and Don says some funny stuff like “Who is this moron flying around in space? He pisses his pants,” but also Paul is saying nonsense like, “that drape is sadder than a map.” Maps are sad? What kind of commie babble is that, Kinsey?
It’s kind of a Betty episode – she’s having panic attacks and almost killing her kids in a car accident because she saw a divorced woman. She was out there just walking around like some kind of human being. Can you imagine?
Tell us how you would fix your hysterical wife in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
A term coined in the mid 2020’s to describe a Mad Men rewatch podcast hosted by Vince Mancini and Matt Lieb.
They coined it.
That’s right. The boys, or in this case, men, are back in podtown to watch another prestige TV show and somehow, some way, find a connection between one of television’s greatest achievements and what it sounds like when you’re eating that butt. Returning to help Matt and Vince kickoff with season one episode one, “The Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” is 1st Team All-Pod-Yourself guest, host of The Distraction and It’s Christmastown podcasts, and Defector.com founder, David J. Roth.
Mad Men? More like bad men. These boys do not know how to behave themselves around the freakin’ chicks, man. If you think it’s bad to call them “freakin’ chicks,” you will really not like how the ad men at Sterling & Cooper talk to the new secretary, Peggy. Don’t worry though, Joan is there to teach her how to respond to the constant sexual harassment (learn to like it or go back to Queens).
It’s Don’s show though. He’s handsome, charming, and sort of scrawny-fat-fit. He’s gonna smoke cigarettes (regardless of what his wife reads in those magazines she loves so much) and more importantly, he’s going to come up with some killer taglines to sell you nylons and cigarettes and lead-based paints.
Tell us why you love smoking in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a shout out on the show.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey everyone, here is the final collection of Balmer B Stories from Season 5 of Pod Yourself The Wire!
Also, we are so pleased to announce that starting next week for patrons (and the week after for free feed piggies) we will be RETURNING WITH EPISODES OF OUR BRAND NEW SEASON of Pod Yourself where we will be talking about Mad Men. It's called Mad Yourself A Man.
Once again we will be doing shoutouts at the end of the pod, but this time you won't just get a street name or a mobster name, you'll be getting something uh advertising themed. Idk Vince will do it, and it'll be great. So join the Patreon at the $8 tier for that shoutout, which should be starting around episode 3. Enjoy!
It’s Frotcast 607, and the three wise guys are back to talk about 'Wise Guy,' the new David Chase documentary, wisely as guys.
But first! We check in with our old pal Donny Trump and play the game “What Movie Is Trump Confusing With Real Life?” 100 Frotcast Points to whomever is able to figure that one out.
We then shift to sunnier topics like the Vice Presidential debate, which kicked off with an extremely loaded question about Israel despite the fact that a large chunk of the country they’re debating to be VP of is underwater. What does it mean? Probably nothing bad. The Daily Caller weighs in on the trend sweeping the nation (two random dudes from Twitter), being extremely gay for JD Vance.
The conversation about Wise Guy devolves into debunking the Great Man theory of art, which Brendan may or may not have just made up. It’s streaming on Max for your viewing pleasure. Good doc, solid B+.
We finish up by discussing a galaxy-brained take that posits- what if Amadeus is actually about the Cold War? A take so bad that Brendan considers joining the Khmer Rouge.
Here is our full interview with Jeremy Saulnier, writer/director of the hit movie Rebel Ridge on Netflix. This interview was in our full frotcast episode which you can listen to by joining the Patreon.
Look I’m sorry, but nothing happens to Matt’s car on this episode. We understand if you want to skip this one.
Comedian Anna Valenzuela (whose comedy album Murderpuss is available for pre-order) joins the Frot crew to discuss the new Reagan biopic, which is helpfully called Reagan. But first! We discuss the presidential debate, namely how much we’ll miss shit like a fucking former leader of the free world yelling THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS into a microphone.
Our conversation also turns to Dave Grohl. If you’re upset about him having sex with a non-his wife-person, maybe just don’t care about what people you’ve never met do with their junk?
Just in time for Anna to leave for her therapy appointment, we dive into Reagan, the movie about Reagan (not to be confused with Raygun, the movie that doesn’t yet exist about the shitty breakdancer). Hilarity ensues as we discuss weapons-grade smarm and the chicken aesthetic people that this movie was made for. Truly some baffling choices in this Hallmark card-ass movie. Solid B+.
PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! Sign up at Patreon to listen to this episode.
Zack Chapaloni takes time out from his busy improv schedule to join us for a robust “yes-and” of Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry’s new madcap shooting spree comedy The Union. That’s not really a joke; in between witty bon mots, Halle Hal and Marky Mark rack up a body count on par with Legionnaire’s Disease. Brendan forgets JK Simmons’ name and decides to refer to him thenceforth as JK Rowling. Matt watched about half the movie and we come to the conclusion that he really didn’t miss that much. This is an AI-ass movie, y’all. We also discuss the baffling end credits sequence and whether or not this is simply the logical result of stan culture vs. “wanting to see a good movie” (spoiler: it is).
Vince wanted to save his takes on ‘Reagan,’ the new biopic about our most AI-ass president, until the rest of us could see it, but he had to take his shirt off and go in anyway. We challenge some fundamental assumptions of the movie such as: since when does he get credit for ending the Cold War, and why should any American particularly give a shit? Plus! A helpful guide to recognizing Gorbachev in the movie if you don’t have a helpful geriatric to loudly whisper THAT’S GORBACHEV in your theater.
If you like what you heard from our esteemed guest, find Zack on his website here. Even if you didn’t you probably should, we are all desperate.
Welcome to this week’s Frotcast, where we decide to re-evaluate the case of Scott Peterson. Not his guilt (he totally did that shit), but his place in the esteemed pantheon of Extremely Dumb Guys. We welcome back Desi and Rachel from Hollywood Crime Scene to discuss not only his dim wits, but also his poor lying skills, off-putting demeanor, and creepy voice. Form an orderly queue, ladies! We mostly discuss the Netflix doc, but also touch on the Peacock and Hulu series as well, if you’d like to waste several more hours of your life learning about this weirdo.
You’ll be devastated to learn that Matt got a new car, which may well end our multi-episode saga of vehicular assault on Matt’s life. Perhaps an enterprising listener can sabotage his car in order to give us more precious #content. He also describes his own Hollywood Crime Scene involving sexual assault of a Big Mouth Billy Bass. We’d love to see that story get the Scott Pelley treatment. Other topics include large adult Chicagoans, which Gallagher brother goes down on his right fit bird, and Deep Dish Diarrhea.
This week we had Alice Fraser back on the Frotcast and you can listen to the whole thing on Patreon.
This week on the Frotcast, Matt comes to us live from his very stressful trip to San Francisco where his car broke down in the middle of the freeway on the way to do some comedy. He ended up all sweaty up there. Our guest this week is Ryan Nanni, aka Celebrity Hot Tub, author of Assigned and co-host of the Shut Down Fullcast. Matt tells us all about his trip, we talk about JD Vance stealing Joe Sinclitico's Frotcast bit and having sex with couches, plus we review JD Vance's crowdwork about Diet Mountain Dew. Eventually we get around to talking about 'Love Lies Bleeding,' the lesbian bodybuilding movie starring Kristen Stewart I made everyone watch for some reason. Basically imagine Pain & Gain with lesbian bodybuilders. Or maybe Thelma & Louise with lesbian bodybuilders. It's actually a bunch of things that sound intriguing and yet none of those things at all because it doesn't feel like they finished writing it.
Joey and Vince are back talking about season 1 of Top Chef. This week we're talking about season one, episode 3 (103), "Nasty Delights," which really is a fantastic Top Chef episode and quite possibly a big reason we still have this show 21 seasons later. Stephen Asprinio deserves his place in the Top Chef hall of fame. All-time great reality show character. The chefs had to make octopus, and then they had to make monkfish for little kids. Crazy how this episode turned out, because some people who went on to become food TV royalty probably should've gone home this episode. Justice for Brian! (Or, maybe not, maybe he deserved it).
For some delicious bourbon and rye, check out our sponsor, blackwooddistillingco.com.
This week we had Stefan Heck from Blocked Party on the frotcast, which you can listen to by becoming a patreon subscriber!
In this section we talk about how conservative columnist Max Boot (guy with hat) has a wife who has been accused of being a spy of the South Korean government.
Hey everyone went on a little vacation so here's an unlocked frotcast!
ANNOUNCEMENT! Pod Yourself will get back in recording studio soon and with a brand new show! Listen to the announcement at the beginning to find out what show!
On today’s Frotcast, we’re guest-free (by choice, not because we couldn’t find anyone, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT??), so you know what that means, wall to wall jokes about eatin dat buhhhh.
That’s not entirely true, we discuss the disastrous debate between two guys who are so fucking old there’s gotta be some kind of gag we’re missing. We establish a baseline of “must be able to assure America that post-birth abortions don’t exist” for being the leader of the free world.
After that, Vince finds new types of Guys To Be Mad At; you will assuredly be mad at them too unless you brag on LinkedIn about posting #content on #linkedin to boost #engagement. Please keep this in mind for your Listener Performance Review next quarter. Not to spoil things, but it might get ugly. You all have been terribly disappointing to us.
We round things out by talking about the new Beverly Hills Cop movie. It’s officially called “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” but Frotcast house style dictates we refer to it as “Beverly Hills Cop Promo Code Axel F”. Drink every time someone says “FOLEY!” if you want to die. Brendan was the only one to watch the whole thing, but we manage to squeeze plenty out of our discussion before we all decide we’re tired and we’d better wrap things up.
I’m tired so I’m gonna wrap things up. Bye!
The Top Chef Frotcast Post-Show is back, discussing season 1, episode 2 of Top Chef, "Food Of Love." No guest in this one, but we do get to discuss the episode in which the chefs make a fruit plate for Elizabeth Falkner and cater a sex party with "Madame S." Fun fact: this episode is set in a version of San Francisco that no longer exists. Sad! And the judges were very unfair to Miguel. Miguel, if you're listening to this, you should sue. Because I for one think clever personalities are very sexy. Don't forget to check out our sponsor, Blackwood Distilling.
This week, we were honored to welcome guest Alex Goldman, formerly of ReplyAll, currently of the Western Kabuki podcast and the Cool Dude Zone Substack. We discuss the reason our kids are annoying, bad vibes in the podcast industry, questions Alex would like to ask Elon Musk, and of course, 1992's Dracula. Because why wouldn't we discuss 1992's Dracula? That was actually Brendan's idea, only the bastard wasn't here to see it through because he ended up having to parent. UGH! We discuss Monica Belucci as a sex vampire, Gary Oldman as the original steampunk f*ckboy, Keanu Reeves' accent, and Winona.
Here's a teaser for this week's Frotcast with guest Rachel Fisher. Please join the Patreon.
Vince and Joey are back talking the latest episode of Top Chef, part one of the finale in Curacao. This week, part one of Top Chef’s season 21 finale took the chefs to the Caribbean nation of Curacao, where the final four competed in a battle to combine gouda and lionfish, and then in an eight-course fish tasting menu on a Holland America Cruise Line with fresh fish ambassador, Morimoto! As promised last week, host of the Roundball Rock podcast and Top Chef superfan, comedian Joey Devine is helping me, Vince Mancini from The #Content Report/Frotcast, break down the latest Top Chef ‘sode. Enjoy, share, subscribe, and check out our sponsor, Blackwood Distilling.
Here is a taste of this week's episode of the Frotcast which you can listen to by SUBSCRIBING TO THE PATREON. COME ON! DO IT!
Documentarian Lance Oppenheim last hung out with us just a few months ago to talk about Spermworld, his Hulu documentary about unlicensed sperm donors. At the time he teased us with news of his next project, Ren Faire, a documentary series about the eccentric owner of the Texas Renaissance Festival, one of the largest renaissance festivals in the world. Well now that documentary is here. Ren Faire, produced by the Safdie Brothers and Ronald Bronstein (Uncut Gems, Good Time, etc.) follows George Coulam, an eccentric octogenerian ex-Mormon who dresses in a self-designed military-inspired uniform who everyone calls "King George." King George is the capricious ruler of the TRF, who says he wants to retire while his long-suffering employees scramble around trying to please him while plotting against each other and trying to set themselves up to become the heir apparent.
Ren Faire's main characters include Jeff Baldwin, the portly theater kid entertainment director who has recently become general manager, Louie Migliaccio, a steampunk energy drink addict who runs the festival's kettle corn empire (but dreams of more), and Darla Smith, an elephant trainer-turned renaissance faire capitalist. Lance opens up about how he shot Ren Faire, what all the Ren Faire characters are doing now -- big scoop on Jeff Baldwin and the rest of the staff in there -- and how many energy drinks Louie Migliaccio consumes in a day. Oh, and about how King George's sugar daddy dates at the Olive Garden actually went down, and whether George asked them any questions beyond whether their breasts are real.
Ren Faire is a great docuseries and the ultimate show for anyone who wants to know how unhappy rich people actually are.
Here's a little teaser from this week's Patreon only Frotcast. Listen now by joining the Patreon.
Hey everyone, here's some bonus slop that Vince and Roundball Rock's Joey Devine did! Vince does this thing about the show Top Chef where he does "power rankings" or something. People love it and now you will too. Also don't worry, there will be a Frotcast this week and WE WILL SOON PICK A SHOW I SWEAR.
DESCRIPTION: For all the Top Chef lovers, Joey Devine from Roundball Rock and I (Vince) decided to do a post-Top Chef recap show. Which chefs do we love? Which do we hate? Whose chances do we like? What changes do we love this season, and which do we not? You know, all that shit. If you watch Top Chef, you'll probably love this. If you don't, well, your mileage may vary. But maybe you get desperate and end up realizing you like it. Maybe you discover feelings that you always had but tried to deny and it'll be a whole sexual awakening kind of a thing. Look I don't know, we were already watching Top Chef so it seemed like an easy lift. Hope you like it.
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Here is a little taste of this weeks Frotcast. You can listen to the whole thing by subscribing to the patreon.
A recent headline in the trades went 'Richard Dreyfuss Takes Stage At Massachusetts ‘Jaws’ Screening Wearing Dress Before Delivering Rant Described As Transphobic; Venue Apologizes.' That was a banger of a headline, but actual video and audio from the event was pretty spotty . Whenever I see headlines like these, I kind of wonder, "Was it really that bad, or was some humorless person just ignoring context and and inflection to make it sound as provocative as possible?"
Luckily when I tweeted about it, someone immediately piped up "hey, I was at that screening!"
I naturally figured, well, we might as well ask him about it. Our guest is Wes Rosen, who's a cook from Beverly, Massachusetts. He sent me a picture from the evening to prove that he was there, which probably wouldn't pass muster with the FBI, but I have no reason to believe he's bullshitting me (if it turns out I got "took," in The Wire parlance, I'll be the first to issue a correction). Wes says he doesn't listen to the show, but as a guy who makes fun of NPR and attends Jaws screenings he seems very much our demo.
As far as the question, "Was it really that bad, or was some humorless person just ignoring context and and inflection to make it sound as bad as possible," Wes seems to suggest that it was a little bit of both.
Richard Dreyfuss's book that he was promoting, by the way, is called "One Thought Scares Me."
"Our democratic republic is failing, and it shouldn’t be a surprise. We can’t fly a plane without training; we can’t practice medicine without attending medical school. And yet we expect the American people to wield the full power of their citizenship, the product of the most revolutionary governmental thinking in human history, without any education.
We no longer teach our children the Bill of Rights or Constitution. We don’t teach the Enlightenment values that underpin them. We don’t teach the critical thinking skills and mental agility necessary for our own sovereignty. We’ve stopped teaching civics, and now we can’t have a civil political discussion. The American experiment may fail if we don’t act.
Richard Dreyfuss is a forceful advocate for civic education. His latest work, One Thought Scares Me…, explains how the lack of civics education in American education for the last fifty years has led to the deterioration of all aspects of the lives of us, the people. And it shows us the path to reclaiming our American ideals."
It sounds like Dreyfuss hates Trump, but is also maybe anti-#MeToo and confused by "The LGBT" and trans identities in general. Which is to say, probably pretty close to the Frotcast Listener's Parents Demographic. Talk to your confused Boomer parents about the dangers of Shrimp Jesus today.
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Everyone knows it’s ‘Martin May’ on the Frotcast, so this week we’re talking ‘Blue Streak’ (1999) with Alice Fraser from The Gargle. At least, we start talking about Blue Streak around the one hour mark. Before that, Matt’s child pooped in the bath, inspiring some other stories of inopportune poops, Rudy Giuliani pulls a Naked Gun by leaving his court microphone on while peeing, Ben Affleck and J. Lo are consciously uncoupling again, and former offensive lineman Brendan has finally actually seen ‘The Blind Side,’ which he dubs ‘Birth of a Lineman.’ Because it’s a racist-ass movie, you see.
PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.
Jerry Seinfeld apologizes for Bee Movie! A Bitcoin guy gives a commencement speech! Bill Burr DESTROYS Bill Maher in a Battle of the Bills! All these topics and more on this week’s Frotcast, with our guest, comedian Matt Braunger. He’s been on Rogan, which I think means we all get 10 extra dollars by association (is that how that works? We’re not good at business). Meanwhile, Martin Madness, aka Martin March, aka Martin May, continues with our discussion of the 2000 classic, Big Momma’s House. Fun fact: this movie stars THREE Oscar nominees. Not to mention Cedric “The Entertainer.”
This week the Frotcast welcomes Eric Peacock, aka Uwe Bollocks, host of the Soundtracker podcast, to discuss Jerry Seinfeld's directorial debut, Unfrosted, a movie about the invention of the Pop Tart. And what a movie it is! We also get caught up on Dwayne The Rock Johnson's alleged history of being late to every set and hiring his dopey brother-in-law/former assistant to run his production company. A company that's currently $250 million in the hole in his latest terrible-sounding movie (which was the brother-in-law's idea, by the way). ALLEGEDLY. Also, Brendan went to an ostrich farm so we talk about which large flightless birds we think we could beat up. You know, if it came to it.
Listen to the full episode by joining the Patreon here.
Here is last week's Frotcast, you can listen to them all by joining the Patreon.
Good evening, cowards (this is a joke explained in the episode).
Jerry Seinfeld says he couldn't away with all those edgy Seinfeld episodes nowadays because people are so woke and leftist! I mean WHAT. IS. THE DEAL? We try to figure out what Jerry is angry about or if he's even angry at all in this week's installment of Today's Dumb Story Everyone Is Talking About For Some Reason. Why don't they build the WHOLE PLANE out of wokness. You also won't want to miss the story about what Kirstie Alley's parents were wearing when they died in a car crash. We take some time to meet the man who called his city council leaders "fat, ugly b*tches" and learn all about his tick-removing device and why he's so mad about someone trying to fill the potholes in his Finally, we've got the latest in terrible AI trends, from Will.i.am's robot cohost to a service that will automatically spam links to your product in Reddit threads. It's a brave new world, we're just jizzing in it.
This week Matt and Vince talked to Rolling Stone chief TV critic Alan Sepinwall about the Wire.
Hey all, while you wait for the announcement of our next rewatch, please subscribe to the Patreon so you can get your fix. Here's a little something from this week's Frotcast to entice you.
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Once upon a time, the Sopranos (James Gandolfini and Edie Falco) made a video to try to get Lebron James to come to the New York Knicks. Roundball Rock podcast host Sean Keane alerted us to this fact years ago, but until recently, almost no one outside of Lebron had actually seen the video. Well now it has finally surfaced and we get to listen to it. Other topics include the producer who doesn't think Sydney Sweeney is attractive or talented, the Netflix true crime documentary that used AI to make fake pictures, and the Hollywood people who claim they can't sell Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis.
“It feels like the moment when David Simon’s twitter persona finally gained the upperhand on David Simon the TV writer.” -David J. Roth
Well, we did it. We podded ourselves the whole Wire. The closer, Defector.com founder, and natural po-dcaster David J. Roth joins Matt & Vince to talk (at great length!) about The Wire’s finale, season five episode ten “-30-”
Was it the best season of The Wire? Universally from guests and hosts alike, no, it was not the best season. Was it a good season? Sort of depends on who you ask. Matt & Vince are noted season five defenders. They love reporting, shoe leather, shoe leather reporting, and corpse penis shots, and this season delivers on all those fronts, so that’s not surprising. David has a higher opinion than episode eight guest Dave from Dopey, but agrees with many past guests that it can’t live up to the heights of seasons three and four.
The finale has some satisfying moments. Scott Templeton’s weaselry is finally called out by Gus and Jimmy, though he is rewarded for his fabrications with what we think is a Pulitzer. Do any of our listeners know what a Pulitzer looks like? Lol of course not. Our listeners are more likely to know what delinquent child support summons looks like than a Pulitzer (no offense).
We also get Jimmy’s funeral. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything, he doesn’t die, but Officer McNulty sort of does, and he gets a proper copper funeral scene that, according to Dominic West, the actors were all legitimately drunk to film. So method. Really committed to the craft.
Stick around to find out what show we do next (Alf). We haven’t decided yet (it’s going to be Alf or I stg I will b*mb a federal building – just kidding please don’t call the cops), so tell us what show we should do next in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Shay’s Nutz, Titanic, Chevy, The Shock Jock, Gross, Double O, & Old Mall Drink.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
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Did you guys know that there's an entire shadow sperm market that exists outside of regular sperm banks, largely connecting donors and recipients on an ad-hoc basis through a series of Facebook groups? This is the world chronicled in Spermworld, Lance Oppenheim's latest documentary, currently out on FX/Hulu. It's a fascinating, sometimes excruciatingly awkward portrait largely centered on three sperm donors: Ari, a Jewish guy with upwards of 130 children and a disapproving mother who views his life like a screwball comedy. Tyree, a mechanic and ex-con who has immersed himself in the sperm-donating game even as he and his partner, Atasha, are themselves having trouble conceiving. And Steve, a fit, 60-year-old divorcee from Tennessee who has struck up an unlikely... friendship? with Rachel, a 27-year-old lung-transplant recipient with cystic fibrosis. One question hovers above all the donors. What's driving them?
Lance has a knack for shooting desperate oddballs, as he previously showed in Some Kind of Heaven, a hilarious, sometimes tragic documentary about the Villages retirement community which premiered at Sundance in 2020 and went on to make my own best-of list (in which I only very rarely include docs, even though I love them). That one was produced by Darren Aronofsky.
Later this year, Lance has “Ren Faire,” produced by Elara Pictures and HBO, a three-part docuseries about the epic succession battle at America’s largest renaissance festival. That one is produced by the Safdie Brothers and recently debuted at SXSW. Nathan Fielder hosted a recent screening. Of course, Lance is also just a fun hang, and more than game to be grilled about his work. Which also provided Matt ample opportunity to talk about his favorite subject, cum. We all had thick ropes of fun, at least 10 to 15 milliliters worth.
“I never cracked the clock code.” -Brent Flyberg
The gang’s all here for the penultimate edition of Pod Yourself The Wire. Comedian, producer of the pod, writer of these descriptions, and world-class-stud, Brent Flyberg joins Matt and Vince to talk about The Wire season five episode nine, “Late Editions.”
If you have learned nothing else from this podcast, I trust that you have learned that we like when the guys on the show are friends. Right up to the end, Michael and Snoop are friends. He reassures her that her hair looks good right before he blows her brains out, because the game is the game, but friends are forever. It would have been funny if she had asked “does my hair look good?” and Michael responded with a Snoop-style “yerrrr!” and then shot her in the face, but I guess Pelecanos wasn’t going for a laugh in that scene.
This episode also features the famous Marlo “My name is my name” scene, which you might remember hearing sampled all over Pusha T’s Wrath of Caine mixtape. That’s right, I’m a middle-aged white guy who loves rap music. It’s embarrassing to admit because we are this generation’s white guys who love jazz and those guys suck. I’m going to steer into the skid. Any day now you’ll see me in a Kangol hat calling people cats.
Tell us your favorite rap song that samples a clip from The Wire in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, The Detective, Analingus, Breadpie, Gritty, & Delaware.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Listen to the full episode by joining the Patreon.com/frotcast
“10-year-old Kennard would have bullied 25-year-old me.” -Dave
Dave from the Dopey Podcast returns to talk to Matt & Vince about The Wire season five episode eight, “Clarifications.”
Dave hates season five. If you, like Vince, are a season five defender who loves the newsroom stuff, you might find yourself yelling at your phone during this one. He hates Gus. GUS – the last beacon of integrity at the fictionalized Baltimore Sun. He even hates Kennard, the pint-sized, foul-mouthed giant slayer.
Regardless of how you feel about season five, you probably love Omar, and this is a tough episode. We say goodbye to one of TV's most memorable characters in unceremonious fashion. He’s gunned down at the corner store picking up a soft pack of Newports by a literal child, and while he was a legend on the streets, his death doesn’t even make the paper. RIP Omar. We’ll pour out some Honey Nut Cheerios in your honor.
Share your favorite Omar memory in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Oz, Pooh, Season, Toto, Allister, Maestro P, Coats, & Rumble.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
The first installment of our new miniseries on college football movies takes on Necessary Roughness (1991)! Vince and Brendan are joined by Spencer Hall, from Channel 6/the Shutdown Fullcast. This series was of course the brainchild of Brendan, our resident ex-college football player and former NFL superstar (*practice squad and NFL Europe). We all thought a miniseries on college football movies was a great idea, but it also could just be that Brendan is really big and might have CTE so we didn't want to make him angry.
For our first episode, we're discussing 1991's Necessary Roughness, starring Hector Elizondo and Robert Loggia as the coaches of the Texas State Fighting Armadillos, and their 34-year-old freshman quarterback, Paul Blake, played by Scott Bakula. Does it still hold up? Is it basically the same movie as Major League? All your questions answered, and more.
“This episode should have been called ‘Spite.’” - Brendan Sexton III
For the first time in the history of this pod, we have a guest who auditioned for a role on The Wire. In 2007 he nearly played Frog (one of the many people who rip Ziggy off), but this week actor Brendan Sexton III joins Matt and Vince to talk about season five episode seven, “Took.”
As our guest points out, this episode, like many, could have been called “Spite.” It’s what’s motivating the actions of our two favorite Baltimore murder poe-lees. Jimmy, out of spite for the bosses, and the whole damn system, is using his fake serial killer to single-handedly ensure funding for any cop who needs it and knows where to find him. In the process, he learns that you either die the cool philandering drunk detective, or live long enough to become one of the bosses.
Bunk, meanwhile, is pounding the pavement, chasing old leads, and generally doing a lot of shoe-leather detective work – likely the best work he’s done in years, just out of spite for Jimmy and his outright fraudulent behavior. The police can not be reformed or re-trained. Instead, to fix America’s policing problem, we need to have a handful of cops who are so off the rails that their peers have no choice but to actually do their jobs out of spite for their own co-workers.
Tell us in your own words what you learned from Prometheus Bound in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Weasel, Barbie, Fat Man, & Syrup.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey Matt Lieb here,
Sorry about there being no frotcast episode last week and also preemptively sorry about Pod Yourself The Wire being late because we weren't able to record last week. We explain why at the end of the episode, and big ole trigger warning for that. But also, we talk about a lot of funny stuff too. Love you guys!
“Maybe it’s a badge of honor that I don’t have a badge of honor.” -Nora Barrows-Friedman
Matt and Vince welcome Associate Editor of The Electronic Intifada and Pod Yourself a Gun listener Nora Barrows-Friedman to talk about season five episode six of The Wire, “The Dickensian Aspect.”
If David Simon used the same episode naming conventions as Friends, this episode would be titled “The One Where Jimmy Kidnaps an Unhoused Guy.” His fake serial isn’t going to strike fear into the hearts of Baltimore without a little collateral damage.
A hobbled Omar is in the streets calling Marlo a bitch, but no one will tell Marlo what he’s saying because they’re afraid it will hurt his feelings or something? Speaking of hurting feelings, Nicky Sobotka is back and sorry to Pablo Schrieber, but no one on the pod finds his yelling at Krawczyck believable.
Tell us the most Dickensian aspect of life on the streets in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Big House, Vacuum, Garfunkel, Bling, & Long Balls.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“If you thought dookie was gonna make it…” -Ashley Ray
Another week, another returning guest, and another big lie from Scott Templeton. This week on the pod, comedian, and host of the TV, I Say podcast, Ashley Ray talks to Matt & Vince about The Wire season five episode five, “React Quotes.”
If you like to see the smirk of a drunk Irish rascal with a naughty little secret, this is the episode for you. Jimmy learns he’s getting help fabricating a serial killer from slimy little newsboy Scott and can barely contain his glee. By the look on his face, you’d think McNutty just found out monogamy is illegal.
Vince shares a fascinating backstory about Omar’s Superman-like flight from a sixth floor balcony – it might seem crazy that he would survive such a fall, but reportedly the character Omar was based on jumped from an even higher height and survived. So the next time you have to clean out the gutters, don’t be a weenie. If you fall you’ll probably be fine. You might have to hobble around with a shotgun as a cane, but you’ll live.
Tell us what you think The Joker would find funny in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Lotion, Birth of a Nation, Sly Guy, Lieutenant, Miami, The Belt, & Bread.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Everyone get your prostates checked, and then, look out for Marlo.” -Katrina Davis
One-time Pod Yourself A Gunner, and now two-time Pod Yourself The Wirer, fan favorite, and comedian Katrina Davis returns to talk to Matt & Vince about The Wire season five episode four, “Transitions.”
We say goodbye to another character this week, so if you haven’t seen the episode, stop reading this (also, why are you reading this?). A proposition for you: wish that Proposition Joe may rip in peace. His stinky nephew Cheese sold him out in exchange for one Hungry Joe. His own family just for a guy who pees sitting down. Smdh.
The episode of course features detailed intellectual analysis of Cheese’s treachery, Scott’s weaselly-ass-little-bitchness, Jimmy’s invented serial killer, and more, but there is also a spirited debate about peeing standing up vs. peeing sitting down. On this podcast we want you to eat your vegetables, but also you get a little piss as a treat.
Sitting or standing? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Two Times, The System, Special K, Tank Bra, Chickens, Mellow Yellow, & O’Frottery.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's a taste of this week's Frotcast. Please subscribe to the patreon!
Alison Stevenson, comedian and Thick Strip impresario (comediENNE and impresARIA??) joins the podcast this week to talk about Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" being suddenly cool again, and we mourn the death of Toby Keith, and along with him the George W Bush era, which was maybe an even crappier era than the current one. Holy crap, I just realized George W. Bush was president when I started blogging, I'm circling the freakin' drain over here. We also discuss Peter Thiel financing the "Enhanced Olympics," an Olympics for steroid users which compares PED users to historically oppressed classes. It's a great show!
“It feels like watching one of those movies where World War I is over a everyone says, ‘Well let’s not do that again.‘” -Dave Weigel
Much like a totalitarian regime, we are rounding up all the journalists. This week, returning guest and politics reporter for Semafor, Dave Weigel, joins Matt & Vince to discuss The Wire season five episode three, “Not For Attribution”
Lester is on board with Jimmy’s fake serial killer and pitches a salacious pervert angle to get more attention, as long as he can get resources to take down Marlo. One of the knocks on season five is that after developing into a more honest character, Jimmy is backsliding in a way that doesn’t make sense, but go watch the scene in this episode where He’s having sex on the hood of a car and ask yourself, is that not the Jimmy we know and love?
Meanwhile at The Balmer Sun, Alma does the hard work to write a good story, only to see it bumped off the front page, while season five’s other little lying weasel, Scott Templeton collects attaboys for an invented react quote. Let that be a lesson to you. Never work hard. Lie to your bosses. Hump on car hoods. Neither you, nor these characters, will ever face consequences (I assume – haven’t finished the show yet).
Help us juke the stats by writing a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Scuba Steve, Suck City, Aussie Rules, Nibbly, A-Team, Mr. Burns.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Come see Matt Lieb and his wife Francesca Fiorentini co-headline the Punch Line Sacramento in Sacramento, CA on March 17th, 7pm. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood at the loading dock of my big local journalism outlet at a mid-size post-industrial city” -Daniel Marans
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! This week on the pod we have another journalist on the pod! Huffington Post Senior Politics reporter Daniel Marans joins Matt & Vince to talk about The Wire season five, episode two, “Unconfirmed Reports.”
Jimmy and Scott are making stuff up and getting rewarded for it. Maybe we should just lie on the podcast more. Hey, if you sign up for the Patreon, not only will you get a street name, but so far everyone who has signed up for the Patreon also got a text from their crush within the next week. No bs. I know I just said we were going to start lying but that’s true.
A recurring theme on this pod is liking when the guys are friends, and this episode it’s Marlo and Avon who are warming heart cackles by bonding over their hatred of East Baltimore’s drug game players. The game is the game, but more importantly, the guys who are from the same place are friends.
Are you an Incubus person or a Sublime person? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Ayn Rand, Pete the Meat, Christie, Ghostbuster, & Nature Boy
Come see Matt Lieb and his wife Francesca Fiorentini co-headline the Punch Line Sacramento in Sacramento, CA on March 17th, 7pm. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!
“We have guns and oil – don’t even trip.” -Mike Isaac
Kicking off the final season of Pod Yourself The Wire, Matt & Vince welcome a returning Pod Yourself favorite, tech reporter for the NYT, and author of Super Pumped, Mike Isaac to discuss the premiere of season five of The Wire, “More With Less.”
A fitting guest for The Wire’s press-focused season, Mike is here to tell us the news hole is still shrinking, and our new friends at the Baltimore Sun have no idea how good they had it. Buyouts? People were getting paid to stop being reporters? Sounds sick.
As the title of the episode suggests, Baltimore’s paper of record is not the only crumbling vestige of the city’s civil services. The cops are waiting on backpay that may never arrive and literally fighting mad about it. The original Slippin’ Jimmy (McNulty) is back to his boozing, whoring ways and thank god. Sweet Beadie might not deserve all the bullsh*t new old Jimmy is shoveling her way, but as the audience, we’re loving it. Drunk bastard McNulty is the closest this show gets to a face melting guitar solo and Jimmy is already shredding. Can’t wait to see how noodly this guy can get.
Tell us why The Hobbit f*cks in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Shut Up, The Guillotine, Tater Salad, & Vowel.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Future Hall of Famer Brendan is back on the pod with a very very special episode where we get very real. Truly a must listen.
Hey everyone, here's all the songs from season 4 of Pod Yourself The Wire!
Also, come see Matt Lieb and his wife Francesca Fiorentini co-headline the Punch Line Sacramento in Sacramento, CA on March 17th, 7pm. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!
Daniel Maté is back with his long lost sibling Matt Lieb to talk about zionist comedians and musical theater being used for evil.
Visit Daniel's website here and check out his mental chiropractic service!
Here's a clip from this week's IN PERSON frotcast. You can listen to the full episode on Patreon. Subscribe now.
HEY PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEW PODCAST! IT'S VERY GOOD! The homie Daniel Maté is in studio with Matt Lieb and they vibe.
Here's a clip of our most recent frotcast available now on Patreon. Join the patreon. Please.
Listen to the full episode by joining the Patreon
This week podcaster Shereen Lani Younes of Ethnically Ambiguous joins Bad Hasbara to talk about Israel and whatnot.
Here's a teaser of this week's Frotcast, and you can listen to the full episode by subscribing to the Patreon.
“It is okay to be several types of guy, the problem is when you’re one type of guy.” -Murder Bryan Quinby
As another season of Pod Yourself The Wire comes to a close, Matt & Vince welcome the host of the Guys podcast, Murder Bryan Quinby, to talk about The Wire’s season four finale, “Final Grades.”
We’ve got some final grades of our own to hand out. Vince’s synopsis of the episode gets a A+ for accuracy and brevity: The cops have all learned to care but the system makes it so it doesn’t matter.
Herc and Carver get Fs for fucking up Randy’s life. Bodie gets an A for being friends with McNulty (we like when they friends) and for standing tall. He also gets two bullets in the head for those very same reasons, which brings us to Michael, who gets a B. His gunmanship is undeniable but points were docked for killing one of the friends (we like when they friends but how can be friend when dead?). Namond gets a B. It stands for bitch. He’s a lil bitch, but he should listen to Vince Staple’s advice and learn to be okay with that.
The season gets a B+, and if you have to ask why, are you even listening to the pod? The listeners all get an A-. Why the minus? Not enough five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Bung Checker, O’Dork, Zoltan, Mack Daddy Daddy Mack, Powder, Squirt Squirt, & Curry.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Welcome to the first episode of bad hasbara. Matt is joined his old Jewbook homie social worker and antizionist Jew Ben Ziggy (@evelkneidel), for a conversation about the IRL billboard poster JewBelong.
Hey everyone, here's the first episode (or like partial episode) of Bad Hasbara, a new podcast about Israel and propaganda. I was trying to only record a small trailer but I got lazy and decided to post the whole thing as is. Most episodes won't just be me talking at you, I promise. You can subscribe wherever you get them podcasts.
This week we talk to Everett Rummage of the podcast "Age of Napoleon" about the new Napoleon movie.
“Solve the murders first, then find all the bodies.” -Kristi Yamagucciamane
Coming straight out of Wilmywood, this week’s guest, a co-host of the JortsCenter podcast, and man of many online names, Kristy Yamaguccimane AKA Will, joins Matt and Vince to talk about The Wire season four episode twelve, “That’s Got His Own.”
Vince’s synopsis of the episode: Lester freeman is fighting with the brass over whether he can open an almost literal can of worms, Mayor Carcetti is trying to figure out how much of his reform agenda will be doomed by a massive school budget debt, Bunny Colvin tries to save his program, Namond accepts once and for all that he’ll never be a gangster,Bubbles comes up with a great plan to escape a predator, and Omar commits arguably his greatest act of war yet.
They talk about the episode, of course, but they also take a moment to appreciate the actor who plays Norman, Reg E. Cathey, who you may not remember from the movie Airheads. He’s the guy who says “Back off man, you’re stepping on my dick!”
Instead of stepping our dicks, why don’t you leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: BYU, Boris, Spiderman, Reach Around, & Donkey Kong.
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“If you were the person who put out a movie directed by Fred Durst, you would have put out a movie directed by Fred Durst.” - Charles “Sen. Lemon GoGurt” Star
In an effort to find the true reason David Simon blocked Matt on Twitter, Matt and Vince welcome writer and co-host of the City Saint Country Saint podcast, Charles Star, to talk about The Wire season four episode eleven, “New Day.”
To quote Vince’s synopsis of the episode: “The school children at Edward Tilghman Middle are all abuzz with news of a snitch, Officer Walker is about to get his, and Omar has just learned about a co-op.
Sadly, it is our friend Randy Wagstaff who has been stained with the “snitch” label, because the schools, the police, and especially Herc, failed him at every turn, which you can see or hear in the supercut Matt made of all the various bunglings of Lex murder case.
Michael goes mask off to get revenge on a paint splattered, de-ringed Walker, inspiring this week’s Balta-B story, Omar holds a big gun while saying cool stuff, and sometimes a corner boy (Bodie) and a copper (McNutty) can be friends and it’s nice, dammit. Why can’t all the cool Baltimore guys be friends? That would be a good show too, right? Imagine Bunk and Slim Charles joining a bowling league and developing a friendly rivalry with Valchek and Snoop. We would watch that show.
Tell us your favorite foul-mouthed Kennardism in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Boldface Jackson, Rad Brad, Barn Owl, & Dugout.
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Here's this week's Frotcast with Joey Devine in which we talk about the death of Henry Kissinger, and Alexander Payne's new movie The Holdovers.
Hey here's a teaser for next weeks episode! We took some time for thanksgiving so a teaser will have to do for now, unless you join the Patreon!
“Every parent in this is, in their own way, a predator.” -Jeb Lund
On the latest pod, writer and co-host of the It’s Christmastown podcast, Jeb Lund joins Matt and Vince to dissect The Wire season four episode ten, “Misgivings.”
Alternate title for this episode: “Misgivings: Bub’s revenge.” Bubbles finally gets Herc back for walking him into a savage beating in the last episode by siccing him like the rabid dog he is on a clergyman who is definitely not a drug mule. It’s a real double whammy for Baltmore’s most industrious junkie, because the priest who gets unnecessarily roughed up by Herc was also sort of a dismissive jerk to Bubs. That’s what you both get for being mean to our little Bubby guy.
Not to be outdone, Chris Partlow gets revenge on someone who likely did some terrible things to him when he was young when he lays a savage beating on Michael’s implied pedo stepdad. This has to be a Dennis Lehane inspired storyline, right? That guy loves to punish fictional child predators. He should start one of those Youtube channels where amateur pedophile hunters lure sickos to a Jack in the Box to humiliate them on camera. Maybe he can work something out of his system.
If you have any advice for how to juke the stats to make us look more popular, tell is in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Amber, The Spider, & The Menace.
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Here's a teaser from this weeks frot. Please subscribe.
Comedians Grant Gordon and Sean Keane join Matt and Vince to talk about the CEO of HBO's social media madness. It's incredible.
“Eminem was speaking directly to Roseanne whites.” -Big Wos
On this week’s episode, Blue Bloods watcher and writer from The Ringer, Wosny “Big Wos” Lambre joins Matt & Vince to talk about The Wire season four episode nine, “Know Your Place.”
The title of the episode could be a reference to a few of the storylines in this episode. It could be about Kima, who knows her place is in the shit with the other degenerate detectives, and not at the dinner party with her ex and a bunch of stiffs who are capable of passing the bar. Or, it could be about the pilot program kids who Bunny takes to Ruth’s Chris, where they immediately feel out of place, don’t want to give up their jackets, then ask for McDonalds on the way home. Or, maybe it’s a nod to Herc’s dumbass. He’s fucking up multiple lives at once in this episode. Someone should tell him to know that his place is not in a police station His place is in his cousin Vinny Chase’s Entourage. Shout out to Dominic Lombardozzi, who Wos points out is the go-to actor when you need a guy to play a ding dong who is going to fuck up something important in the next scene.
Tell us what you would get if Bunny Colvin took you to Ruth’s Chris in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Dookie, Chopped Liver, Toxic Waste, & The Peach.
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Here's a little bit of our Patreon frotcast. Please subscribe.
This week we are joined by comedians Jessica Sele and James Fritz to talk about the NFT blinding event and more!
Please buy Jessica's album! You can buy it here.
“In a bizarro world, I would watch a Chris and Snoop buddy comedy.” -Roy Wood Jr.
Shake it and jiggle it and listen to the latest episode with actor and comedian Roy Wood Jr. joining Matt and Vince to discuss The Wire season four episode 8, “Corner Boys.”
The shaking and jiggling is a reference to a Young Leek song that factors into a fun little game Chris and Snoop are playing to figure out which corner boys are from New York so they can shoot them in the face. If you’re on the streets in W. Baltimore and you don’t know Mark Clark and the Big Fat Morning Show, a bullet might shake and jiggle your brain as it rattles around inside your skull.
If you’ve ever wondered what it would look like if Robert Chew was cast to play Fletch, you get your chance in this episode. He’s on the phone pulling out all his best voicework and silly fake names to track down Herc. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to meet Wendell Pierce, Roy tells us it’s pretty much what you’d expect. He’ll be manning the grill on a rooftop in Atlanta, but instead of talking about lacrosse, he’ll talk about hockey.
Tell us your favorite 92Q DJ in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Spoils, Al Dente, Pony Express, & Jimmy Mac.
Here's a teaser from this week's frotcast. Please subscribe it's super worth it.
"I wish I could protect Dukie forever.” -David J. Roth
This week’s guest has filled a lot of roles on this pod. He’s closed seasons with us, started a season with us, and today, he’s sort of a middle reliever. That might sound like a demotion, but this is a high-leverage episode. The analytics say if we don’t have a good episode this week, we’ll all get demoted to the triple-A of podcasting (one of those Tiktok accounts that just rips full episodes of other people’s podcasts from Youtube and reposts them in 90 second increments). If you don’t understand all the sports talk above, you need to subscribe to Defector.com, a site co-founded by our guest, David J. Roth, who joins Matt & Vince to talk about The Wire season four episode seven. “Unto Others.”
Remember when Carcetti leveraged the murder of a State’s witness to dunk on Royce and propel himself to the Mayor’s office? Lol yeah that guy didn’t get murdered at all. Roll that beautiful competence porn footage and see Kima discover he was accidentally shot by some presumably Irish guy using bottles in the alley for target practice with a potato silenced gun. The arc of the Baltimore universe is long, but it bends towards giving powerful white men more power.
Obviously there is more conversation about the other storylines (Cutty is sorry he banged your mom, Kenard is a blue-chip swearing prospect, Omar penetrates a guy’s butt in a very not sexy way, the system begins its slow, steady mastication of Randy, etc…), but more importantly, there is a Halloween themed Balta-B story song parody.
Which Wire character would you dress up as for Halloween (plz no blackface)? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Nixon, The Pollock, Cleopatra, & The Pope.
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Here's a teaser from this week's frotcast. Vince was out on town so Matt invited Mike Recine and Shereen Younes to the pod to try not to talk about Palestine or Israel. They do not succeed. Sorry,
He is like a white Obama, but I don’t mean that as a compliment.” -Whack Nicholson
On this week’s episode, Matt and Vince welcome former public school teacher, podcaster and co-host of the Western Kabuki podcast, Whack Nicholson. To talk about season four episode six of The Wire, “Margin of Error.”
It’s election day in Baltimore, and you know what that means, right? There’s a sale on heroin! Two for one special on redtops. Stock up while you can. Also Carcetti wins the Democratic primary, which essentially hands him the Mayor's office, and it makes him not want to be a fucky guy when his wife isn’t around. He better figure it out, as Herc saw a few episodes ago, Royce’s hog is a big one to fill.
Listen as Whack first learns that some dweeby teacher named Mr. Prezbo used to be a badass Punisher-ass motherfucker who blinded kids and killed cops, then confirms that school administrators are just like cops and only care about their damn clearances.
Tell us your least favorite school admin in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Kenny Rogers, Cheers, Cowboy, & The Countess.
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As loyal Frotcast listeners may have already known, I interviewed David Grann, author of the best-selling book on which the new Martin Scorsese movie was based, back in 2017. We got deep into what the book meant, the characters involved, why he wanted to write it, what it means, and how he reported it. At the very least, it’s a nice little background/companion piece for the film (which is much different than the book, even if most of the facts are the same).
Here’s how I described the book in my review that I haven't finished writing:
Flower Moon the book is a lot of things, but mostly it’s the story of a genocide told through the structure of a true crime tale. Grann delivers a barn burner of a murder mystery about a greedy landowner, his cat’s-paw nephew, his nephew’s Osage wife, and the FBI agent who uncovers it all, before zooming out to reveal that it was all part of a larger-scale plan of dispossession and erasure in which virtually the entire state of Oklahoma was complicit.
Anyway, enjoy the interview, I certainly did.
Here's a teaser for this week's Frotcast. Please subscribe it's a good one.
“He [Norman] doesn’t like Carcetti but he’s still got a job to do, which I love.” -Lyall Behrens
You know our guest this week is a true Wire head because his favorite character is Carcett’s deputy campaign manager, Norman. Comedian Lyall Behrens joins Matt & Vince to break down The Wire season four episode five, “Alliances.”
This is a great episode for any Herc fans. First, we see him making phone calls for Royce’s campaign, because you know what they say, keep your friends close, and your mayors who you walked in while he was getting a blowie in his office closer because he can probably help your career. Then, Herc gets to provision a camera for police duty, which has always worked out really well for him.
This is also a great episode for any cold-blooded murder fans, because we see Chris kill a nice looking delivery woman in an attempt to set up Omar. Wow, men will conspire to commit murder and frame a street rival before they go to therapy. smdh.
Tell us how horny you are for the freshly-shaved Mayor Royce in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Cougar, Wheat Beer, Kia, & Peeky Blinders.
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“Are we to believe… Did Bunk and Freeman kill that guy?” -Kevin Kruse
This podcast, in which we splice clips of Wesley Willis’ “Rock and Roll Mcdonalds” into scenes from The Wire, is first and foremost an academic pursuit, so it’s crazy that this is our first time having a professor on the show. Today’s guest is Princeton History professor Kevin Kruse. He takes a break from forcing tomorrow’s future leaders to do gender for long enough to talk to Matt & Vince about The Wire season four episode four, “Refugees.”
Kima and Lester are reunited in the Homicide division of BPD, and like you would expect from police detectives who are serious about solving murders, the veteran investigators prank Kima like the older kids at summer camp had access to dead bodies.
On the other side of the thin blue line, Marlo meets a security guard who wants it to be one way, but it’s the other way. Matt has a lot of fun with this. If you don’t like it, well, that’s because you want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.
What’s your favorite catch phrase? Snoops “Yeerrrrrp,” or Clay Davis’ “Sheeeeiiiiit?” Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Patron, The Bartender, Blueface, & Dr Ye.
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We are once more trying to entice you into joining the Patreon by showing you how good it is. Please listen and then subscribe.
Here's a clip from this weeks Frotcast. Please join the Patreon.
“It's a show about people and systems and ice cream and scissors and corner stores.” -Dan From The Internet
Bags of drugs are falling from the sky, Matt is all hopped up on DayQuil, and returning to the pod is host of the Audio Face and Power Report Podcasts, Dan From The Internet to talk to Matt & Vince about The Wire season four episode three, “Home Rooms.”
It’s the first day of class for Prezbo (but you can call him Mr. Pryzbylewski) and the teens are rowdy. There’s your garden-variety acting out, telling each other to shut the fuck up and whatnot, but he also has to deal with one of his students slashing another’s face with a damn box cutter. This is post 9/11. Who let this kid bring a box cutter into the classroom? She could have hijacked the class and flown it into a building.
Bunny’s new job is not as satisfying as he’d hoped. He has to kowtow to his hotel manager boss because the mope he wants to cuff “represents a national consortium of convention planners.” Convention planners have been above the law for too damn long. This is why I would vote for Carcetti.
On which part of your body would you get a tattoo of your own face? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Archangel, Super Soaker, Baby Beluga.
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Here is a taste of this weeks frotcast. If ever there was an episode that you should subscribe to the patreon in order to listen to it's this one.
“Too many characters for my liking.” -Django Gold
Throw on your best Mitchell & Ness throwback jersey, it’s time for a new episode of the pod. This week, comedian Django Gold joins Matt and Vince to plug his new stand-up special Bag Of Tricks (available on YouTube now) and break down The Wire season four episode two, “Soft Eyes.”
Everybody’s going back to school. Not just our new young characters, even Bubbles and Prezbo are bumping into each other in the hallway and giving eachother a nod that says, “lol damn what are either of us doing here?”
Even with school around the corner, Namond’s parents are pressuring him to be a better drug dealer. These kids are millennials right? Do these parents realize Namond has to sell like four times as much drugs as Wee-Bey did to afford like half as many tropical fish?
If you’ve seen Lex, tell us where in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Pilgrim, Mangina, Just JKin’, The Oak, & Superstar.
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Got some fresh Frotcast content for all of you hogs out there who need MORE convincing to join the Patreon. Author Brian Abrams joins us to talk about his new book "You Talking To Me?" The Definitive Guide to Iconic Movie Quotes and Roundball Rock Host Joey Devine is back talking about lies in comedy.
Hey all, if you want to listen to your favorite tv rewatch podcast a week before everyone else make sure you SUBSCRIBE TO THE PATREON!
Hey everyone. Here is the first episode of season 4. Releasing it early for all y'all. But next week season 4 episode 2 will be released on Patreon first and you'll have to wait another week to get it on the free feed. So join the Patreon now.
“I can’t imagine going through life with an inner monologue in that accent.” -Pete Blackburn
The boys are back in town and there’s a new crew of boys in The Wire. Joining Matt and Vince to kick off season four, NFL reporter, Matt Damon lookalike, and decorative chicken owner, Pete Blackburn joins the pod to talk about episode one, “Boys of Summer.”
Season four, also known as the season with the kids, introduces us to a ragtag bunch of Baltimore ragamuffins named Dukie, Randy, Namond, & Michael, who like to catch pigeons and throw piss filled balloons at their enemies. They’re young, charismatic and full of potential, but this is The Wire, so enjoy these early season moments when you can still believe things will work out okay for them.
This season will destroy you. It’s focused on Baltimore’s schools, and to give you an idea of just how bleak it is, remember Prezbo? That cop who was kind of an idiot and poked a kid's eye out before killing another cop by accident, and has no teaching credentials? When he shows up to a school, the principal is freakin’ pumped to give him a job teaching math. If you’re watching along, god bless and good luck.
Tell us what man you would have sex if it meant you could have sex with the City Council President in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Eva, Goggins, Supersonic, Brick Layer, Kenny Rogers, Sound of Music, The Tuxedo, Nails, Springtime, Platinum, Swisher, Tunnels, & X.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey season 4 sorta starts this week. I have covid.
Here's a bit of this weeks Frotcast. Listen to the whole thing on our Patreon.
Jessica Sele is back on the Frotcast talking about seeing Les Mis. Also, the boys saw Adam Sandler's new kids movie You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah.
Here's a clip of this week's Frotcast, you can listen to the Frotcast every week if you SUBSCRIBE TO THE PATREON
Hey here's a full episode of the Frotcast for you so that you stay on this feed. Forever.
This is the frotcast. Please subscribe to the patreon.
Hey everyone, here is the collection of all the music from season 3 of Pod Yourself The Wire.
Matt and Francesca are in Fresno with Vince Mancini and do a quick little in-person Frotcast while baby Carina is asleep. We open this week discussing the pilot who chopped down a parking garage gate because it was pissing him off. He's been charged with criminal mischief and suspended from work, but we will happily donate to his legal defense because we believe this man is all of us, fighting back against automation that doesn't work and taking a few whacks for the human spirit. Meanwhile, we talk about what could've possibly made Britney Spears divorce her CGI husband and read a hilarious old profile about Mr. Spears' two feuding Svengalis. It's a fun time! Listen and share so we can get more piggies!
“If they had just run Carcetti, we wouldn’t be in this mess, as a country.” - Jack O’Brien
For the season finale, Matt and Vince invite host of The Daily Zeitgeist and Miles and Jack Got Mad Boosties podcasts, Jack O’Brien, to talk about season three episode 12 of The Wire, “Mission Accomplished”
Jimmy sad. He never got to gloat to Stringer about catching Stringer on THE WIRE. You would think the show called The Wire would prominently feature said wire, but even when the wire finally pays off, it doesn’t matter because some guys with a big gun and a small gun were all like KA-CHOW and BLAT BLAT BLAT. It’s probably some kind of Iraq war metaphor. This show loves that shit.
There’s a much more obvious Iraq war metaphor later when Slim Charles insists that Avon has to fight a war with Marlo even if it’s based on a lie because you can’t just stop being at war. Slim Charles is Cheney? Avon is Bush? That would make Stringer… the Twin Towers? Heroin is definitely oil. You know what? You do the metaphor math if you want. The season’s over. It’s basically summer vacation for me. I’m done with math, metaphors, art, Rock & Roll McDonaldses, and Baltimore accents for a while. See you next season, you filthy little sucklings.
Tell us your dream guest for season four in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Eva, Goggins, Supersonic, Brick Layer, Kenny Rogers, Sound of Music, The Tuxedo, Nails, Springtime, Platinum, Swisher, Tunnels, & X.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Long time Frotcast friend Joey Avery is back talking about moving to New York, the Elon Musk v Mark Zuckerberg fight, the Barbie movie, and a terrific new idea for a McDonalds movie that will definitely sell a billion movie tickets.
ALSO: Buy tickets to see Joey Avery while he's on tour https://www.joeyavery.com/live
And watch Joey's stand up ep! https://youtu.be/eahKM_amhnQ
Here's a clip from the frotcast. The whole episode is fire. There's no reason for you to not subscribe to the Patreon.
“Live slow and die unfulfilled. That's my motto.” -Dopey Dave
For the penultimate episode of the season, Matt & Vince called in a Day of the Jackal motherfucker, writer, and host of the Dopey Podcast, Dopey Dave to break down The Wire season three, episode eleven, “Middle Ground.”
We say goodbye to West Baltimore’s sexiest drug kingpin and aspiring real estate mogul. Just when Jimmy and the gang think they got Stringer Bell (finally utilizing the titular wire!) it’s actually Brother Mouzzone & Omar, by way of Avon’s betrayal, who remove one B from B&B Enterprises. We’ll miss his hustle grindset, his community college business wisdom, his perfectly manicured goatee, and his (we assume) huge hog most of all. RIP String. Enjoy that grand copy shop in the sky.
Dry your tears, there’s some fun stuff too. Avon and Slim Charles give Cutty 15k for his boxing gym and it’s always nice to see when the hardened criminals are just friends having fun, talking about athletic equipment and glass foreheads. Even more fun, the introduction of another new porno mag. One of Baltimore’s finest can’t put down his issue of Irish Lasses long enough to help Jimmy find something called a triggerfish machine.
Tell us how much you would pay to join our Gold Circle Club in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Sharia Law, Apartheid, The Hyena, Amsterdam, Smell Ya Later, Bad Grains, Cellophane, The Viking, & Scamrock
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's a clip from the Patreon episode. Please subscribe we have families.
“I had a four year obsession with Kevin Spacey.” Francesca Fiorentini
Give the kind an iPad, she’ll be fine. Mommy and daddy are talking about The Wire. Joining Matt & Vince on the pod is writer, comedian, host of the Bitchuation Room Podcast, the owner of [email protected], and *Borat voice* Matt’s Wife, Francesca Fiorentini, to talk about season three, episode 10, “Reformation.”
Hey in case you haven’t figured it out, The Wire is about the war in Iraq. Yes it’s about the war on drugs in Baltimore, but it’s also art so the cops are US troops, West Baltimore is Baghdad, Avon is Saddam Hussein, and Stringer is… Uday? Look, it’s not a perfect one to one. The point is, we were lied to, and the WMDs we were promised were not the high-test.
This is the episode where we see Rawls at a gay club. Just chilling. No one in the entire run of <em>The Wire</em> looks happier than Rawls at the club in his sweater holding a glass full of what I assume is mid-shelf scotch. Would be kind of beautiful if he weren’t such a heinous bastard.
Tell us your embarrassing first email address in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Mule, Double A, Backdoor, The Bug, Pecker.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“I didn’t like that they shot Omar’s grandma in the butt and pissed on her church crown.” -Allison Mick
There are rumors flying around that Gerard and Sapper shot Omar’s grandma in the ass, pissed on her church crown, and waved their weiners at her, but Matt & Vince invited writer & comedian Allison Mick to clear things up while talking about The Wire season three, episode nine, “Slapstick.”
Stringer and Avon continue to butt heads over how to handle the Marlo situation, while Jimmy and Lester butt heads over the importance of hobbies. As Lester puts it, “The job will not save you,” and in Prezbo’s case, the job might cause you to kill another cop. Yep this is the episode where somewhat reformed fuck-up Prezbo does one, last, huge fuck-up on his way out the door. He killed Derrick and his career with one shot. Still better accuracy than most cops, probably.
Do you think Jimmy ate that Chinese takeout after they realized Prezbo killed a cop? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Ink Blaser & Squirtz.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
New episode of the Frotcast is out. Listen to it on Patreon.
“Like Marlo, I find myself wanting to do the podcasting equivalent of beating up two random drug dealers on the street, just to feel alive again.” -Robert Evans
Who is the biggest bastard on The Wire? Matt & Vince welcome writer and host of the Behind The Bastards podcast, Robert Evans to answer this question and more while discussing season three, episode eight, “Moral Midgetry.”
Rawls, Clay Davis, and Marlo are possibly the biggest bastards if we’re talking about the whole season, but Jimmy really goes for the crown this episode. In a misguided attempt to sway favor with a county cop, he “pretends” to be racist, only to meet Mrs. County Cop, a black woman. It’s a good reminder to any listeners who might dabble in podcasting or stand-up: acting racist in an attempt to get something you want is functionally the same thing as being racist.
Remember that Mighty Mighty Bosstones tribute song to George Floyd? The one where they call him “Georgie” like they went to middle school with him or something? Well, Matt & Vince were not aware of it, and Robert gets to be the one to alert them to this incredible artifact.
Tell us your favorite slur for Italians in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: B.B & Zeez Nutz.
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Here's a little clip from our recent Frotcast which you can get on Patreon. So do it!
Hey you should subscribe to the Patreon so you can listen to Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards talk about the Wire earlier than everyone else. Do it.
“What is a Shrek Slurpee?” -Alice Fraser
We found the only person in the world impervious to the Stringer Bell charm. Writer, comedian, host of Tea with Alice and The Gargle podcast, beams in all the way from London to talk to Matt & Vince about season three episode seven of The Wire, “Back Burners.”
Right off the bat, Alice reveals that she listened to Pod Yourself A Gun and the Jack Reacher novels while breastfeeding because they are both just engaging enough to distract, but not too stimulating to put down when the baby is full. Finally someone recognizes that this is the Jack Reacher of podcasts. This pod is 6’6,” jacked as hell, and idolized by guys with punisher stickers on their Dodge Chargers.
Tell us how much you would pay for our The Good Doctor rewatch podcast in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Baywatch, Speanut, & The San Diego Chicken.
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Here's a clip of our latest episode of the Frotcast. You can listen to the whole episode on Patreon.
This week Matt and Vince welcome master documentarians Billy Corben and Alfred Spellman from Rakontur Productions to the Frot to discuss the latest in Florida F*ckery. Billy and Alfred have become the documentarians laureate of South Florida with their films 537 Votes, Screwball, Dawg Fight, Cocaine Cowboys, The U, and God Forbid (et. al). These days, they're working on From Russia With Lev, a feature doc about shady Trump/Giuliani associate turned turncoat Lev Parnas, and A Sunny Place for Shady People, a series of mini documentaries with Dan Le Batard that will look at scandals around the Miami area. More importantly, they're great talkers, so we pick their brains about Florida scandals, the documentary-industrial complex, and something that in four previous interviews I've always forgotten to ask Billy about, his past as a child actor.
Plus, Vince and Matt discuss The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace, the most messed up, infuriating docuseries ever made.
“Eggy Mule, Peacock, Shorty Boy? All unavailable for muscle work right now. -Will Menaker
The price of the steel is up, but Matt & Vince have writer, and host of Chapo Traphouse and The Movie Mindset podcasts, Will Menaker on the pod to break down season three episode six of The Wire, “Homecoming.”
Cutty’s brief but memorable return to the game ends with surprisingly little conflict, and the boys agree it’s touching to see the boys in the heroin-selling crew dissolve their business relationship amicably. Even dudes hardened by the game of selling rock can still rock. What the potential candidates to replace Cutty’s muscle lack in availability, they make up for in fun names, leading to Vince learning us all about the origin of Eggy Mule, nephew of Baltimore’s first woman arabber. As racist as the term sounds, it’s just a type of street vendor. We think. Don’t look too deep into it.
Will also reminds us that 44th president of the United States Barak Hussein Obama was on record as saying that Entourage was one of his favorite shows of all time. Barack OH YEAH-AHHHHH!
Give us your tips for perfecting the Bawlmer accent in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Z Nut, Broccoli Donkey, No Nut, Turtle, & Colin.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's a bit of our Frotcast episode this week. Listen to the full episode and a bunch of bonus episodes by joining our Patreon.
“Not a lot of money in birds.” -Caleb aka Bird Respecter
Hamsterdam is open for business and Matt & Vince invited podcaster and Bird Respecter Caleb from the Western Kabuki Podcast to discuss The Wire season three episode five, “Homecoming.”
The titular homecoming is Avon’s. He’s back and so freakin’ horny. Almost as horny as Jimmy is for Stringer Bell, but being horny for Stringer is a major theme on both the show and the pod so who can blame him?
During the pod we also learned that the actor who plays officer Colicchio (he’s the one with the white supremacist haircut and the cop face) is a Vassar educated Marine. Some guys really do contain multitudes, but rarely the guys you expect.
Leave any notes from your criminal conspiracies in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Lean Cuisine, The Baller, C Squared, Corn Flake, & Straight Line.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's a taste of this week's early access to NEXT WEEK'S podcast. You can listen to all episodes of PYTW a week early by subscribing to our Patreon. Do it.
“Stringer’s so smooth…he could tell me to betray my country, I’d be like okay, when?” -Sofiya Alexandra
Comedian and podcaster from the 420 Day Fiance podcast, the blunt and bawdy Sofiya Alexandra joins Matt & Vince to remind us what all media is for, to distract you long enough to keep that gun out of your mouth. Listen as they break down The Wire season three, episode four, “Amsterdam.”
Alternate title for the episode, “Gash Hounds,” because it introduces us to the term, and every one of these sickos has their nose to the ground, trying to sniff their way into some pursey. Jimmy and Bunk we expect this from, but Daniels is parked outside Ronnie’s apartment? That dirty dawg. You think Cutty might turn his life around? Not yet anyways. He does one day cutting grass and decides he’d rather be back in the game, having sex in front of his boys at a wild party right after taking a hit of a blunt shotgun-style from Slim Charles. Shotgunning that blunt looked really intimate. Surprising that these two hard asses were cool with basically kissing instead of just passing the blunt, but hey everyone is horny as hell around here this episode.
This episode also features one of The Wire’s funniest scenes, in which Colvin rounds up all the corner boys in a gym and tries to maintain order in a big room full of Poot-type guys. Good luck, buddy.
Tell us which character you are horniest for in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Baby, Suge Knight, Emilio, The Wrestler.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's our past frotcast about HBO's The Idol with guest Sam Haft, songwriter and half of the band the Living Tombstone.
Here's a clip of todays Frotcast. You can listen to the full episode by subscribing to our Patreon NOW!
“I’m embarrassed that I ever related to him [McNulty] in any way.” -Brent Flyberg
It’s me, I’m the guest. Comedian and producer of this here podcast, Brent Flyberg, joining Matt & Vince to pod ourselves a bro troika and talk about The Wire season three, episode three, “Dead Soldiers.”
For an episode that features a shootout resulting in a friendly fire face shot, it also feels like a transitional episode where nothing really happens. Cutty tries to adjust to the outside, Bunny goes Office Space mode, Marlo acts menacing, and Carcetti is charming but hollow. It’s a road map for the season to come, but I want to hit the friggin’ road already. I want Hamsterdam. I want to see Cutty hook up with his boxing students’ moms, but instead we get this forty-degree-day of an episode.
Look I can’t explain it, but I do think Frankie Fasion, the actor who plays Burell, based on his speaking voice, sounds like, if he were to sing, he would sound like the Neville Brothers do in the season three theme. If you agree please confirm in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Destroyer, Moonshine, Can, The Coyote, & Eminem
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Bodie is the one my heart goes out to the most.” -Mike Duncan
This week’s guest is host and creator of the Revolutions, History of Rome, and the upcoming Duncan & Coe History Show podcasts, Mike Duncan. He joins Matt & Vince to talk about The Wire season three, episode two, “All Due Respect.”
The guys get together to remember some guys and some girls. Remember Gus Triandos? The catcher for the Orioles in the 50s & 60s? He’s who Herc would have sex with if it meant he could then have sex with the Olsen twins. Remember the Olsen twins? Remember that brief window when all the creeps like Herc were stoked for them to turn 18, and then they turned 18 and the creeps moved on to the next almost 18-year-old girl? Such a fun time in American culture.
Remember that old smoke hound who put his beer in a paper bag for the first time? Bunny Colvin sure does, and he’s using it as a metaphor for how he’s going to clean up the streets of Baltimore by letting drug dealers and users do their dealing and using in a figurative paper bag, setting the plan for Hamsterdam in motion.
Which MLB player from the 50s would you most want to bang? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Labatt, Too Sexy, Trombone, Puka Shells, Hamsterdam, Special K, Triando, & Rush.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's a clip from this week's Frotcast where we talked about HBO's The Idol. Listen to the full episode here.
Buy tickets to see me and Jessica Sele at the SF Punchline May 31st at 8pm in San Francisco.
But no one was asking, ‘okay but why a drug war?’” -David J. Roth
The most 38-year-old people alive are back with another thrilling season of rewatching a very good show that began twenty years ago, when we were voting weird old New England Dracula, John Kerry. Transitioning from closer to starter like a reverse John Smoltz, Vince and Matt’s guest for season three episode one of The Wire, “Time After Time” is writer, podcaster, and Defector capo, David J. Roth.
You might notice things are a little different around here. You are, after all, reading this on either a Youtube page or Vince’s substack. After sixteen years, Vince’s former employer told him to kick roxx, but we’re on to bigger and better things. For instance, we weren’t supposed to use swears in our episode descriptions before, but here in the ‘Stack, we can say whatever the hell we want. We’re going to live like damn hell ass kings.
Season three starts kinda slow, as The Wire is wont to do, but we get some characters who will be important moving forward, like everyone’s favorite cop, Bunny Colvin, and prom king politician, Tommy Carcetti. Why is the episode called “Time After Time?” Stop asking questions and leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts already, you fuckin’ nerd.
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Frosty, Nice Guy, & T-Bone.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey everyone, the frot is back and once again Vince came to LA to frot (and to take Joey Devine out to a Top Chef dinner event.) In this episode we talk Ben Affleck's Air and Johnny Depp's McDonalds analogy. Watch it or listen, we don't care.
Watch it here.
Buy tickets to see me and Jessica Sele at the SF Punchline May 31st at 8pm in San Francisco.
Hey all, Vince came over to Matt's house and they decided to do a live stream. Here is the audio from that episode and you can also watch the video here.
Here's an unlocked episode of the Frotcast. You really should join the Patreon immediately.
Here's a bit of our Frotcast episode from this week. You can AND SHOULD listen to the whole thing by signing up for our Patreon.
Hey everyone. Here is an unlocked episode of our OG podcast The Frotcast, with guests Joey Devine and James Fritz talking about basketball stuff, Vince losing his job, the Mario Brothers woke discourse, and so much more.
You can listen to hundreds more eps like this on by subscribing to our Patreon.
Hey everyone,
New episode of the frotcast is out now and you can hear it by subscribing to the Patreon. DO IT NOW!
Hey all,
Here is a collection of all the dumb songs I did for season 2 of the pod, plus a song I did for the live podcast where we talked Many Saints. Enjoy!
It's everyones favorite episode! The one where we read emails and listen to voicemails. Thanks to everyone who participated!
This week's Frotcast is out now and you can listen to it by joining the Patreon!!! Join NOW!
“When characters die on this show, the feeling of loss is frightening.” -Max Collins
Put season two of The Wire in a blender and listen as this week’s guest Max Collins from Eve6 spins it around into a beautiful oblivion with Matt & Vince as they discuss the twelfth and final episode, “Port in a Storm.”
Before saying farewell to the docks, the Sobotkas, and the not-Greek Greeks, Matt, Vince, and Max compare when they first started hearing the kids say “hella.” For Max it was age 13 at skateboarding camp in Visalia, which sounds hella rad. After that, really just tying up loose ends and seeing that, as always, the police work is only about getting your stats and not being the sh*tbird of the day on any given day.
Season two detractors rejoice. Ziggy is gone, and next season we return to the streets. See you on the other side, you sickos.
Guess the Greek’s nationality in five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Rascal, Baldy, The Counselor, Josh, Jaws, Frat Boy, & The Pastry.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey all,
Mailbag episode coming next week! So send in those qs and voicemails.
Also subscribe to our Patreon while we are on break! Vince needs the money.
Finally, Matt Lieb will be at the SF Punchline April 12-15 with Amir K. Get tickets HERE!
“Neither of them can do a Baltimore accent.” -Leah Carroll.
Writer and pod yourself a favorite, Leah Carroll returns, bearing gifts, to talk to Matt & Vince about The Wire season two episode eleven, “Bad Dreams.”
In an act of preparation that would put the producer of this pod to shame, Leah dug up a clip from a Dominic West and Micheal K. Williams’ audio commentary on episode six of this season, in which you hear, in rapid succession, Dominic West compliment his own looks, then the two of them reverently assess Nicky’s girlfriends “beautiful knockers.” The death of the DVD commentary is the worst thing to happen to media in our lifetime.
This episode of The Wire, if you can even believe it, is a bit of a bummer. Frank is walking directly into his almost certain death to try to help his dumbass son Ziggy out of another mess, Omar is hoodwinked and oopsie shoots the wrong guy, and Daniels realizes Landsmen bungled his Sobotka connection. It’s almost like these guys don’t really care about solving problems and just want to not get yelled at, cash a check, and hang out at a bar with no wives.
Tell us your favorite DVD commentary track in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Snake, The Viking, The Wafer, & The Karate Kid.
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a Greek guy with a gun.” -James Fritz
On the latest PYTW, comedian and writer from The Frankie Quinones Show, James Fritz, joins Matt & Vince to discuss The Wire season two episode nine, “Storm Warnings.”
Well Ziggy’s really done it now hasn’t he? Congratulations to all the Ziggy haters out there, you got what you wanted, two dead greeks. Ziggy and his huge hog burned too damn bright for the Bawlmer ports, and while he lives to tell his own heartless tale to Jay Landsman, there will be no more Zig on The Wire.
During the episode, there is a conversation about the actor who plays Lamar (Brother Mouzzone’s valet), and how he, like too many cast members, is no longer with us. The recording took place the day before we also lost the actor who played Daniels, Lance Reddick. RIP to another real one. Here’s an interview he did after the third season and before the show really took off.
Tell us your interpretation of Stringer calling Bodie “cottage cheese chest” in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: Ham Sandwich, The Windmill, Josh, & Shooter.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Listen to the full episode here!
“I couldn’t imagine a more perfect show to watch… high on heroin.” -Dave Mannheim
The block is hot and the pod is hotter as Dave Mannheim from the Dopey Podcast joins Matt & Vince to break down The Wire season two episode nine, “Stray Rounds.”
This episode has a fun little cold open in which we are introduced to a child who is shortly thereafter killed by a stray bullet from a territory dispute between a Barksdale crew and a Prop Joe crew. It makes sense that Dave & Matt bond over watching the show while on heroin, because opiates might be the only way to maintain a positive attitude while watching this show.
We lose one favorite character, Ziggy’s duck (couldn’t handle his liquor), but gain another notable character in Brother Mouzone, leading to debate about whether he is a cool, interesting, Omar-of-New-York type of character, or a corny ass Fargo on FX quirky villain guy. Either way, his valet Lamar needs to find him a Harper’s Bazaar, ASAP.
Join the new Pod Yourself The Wire and Pod Yourself A Gun subreddits so we can grow them into toxic echo chambers full of willing sycophants to mobilize against our enemies. Or, make a post about how to leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: The Greek aka 5Cent, Crabby, Knight Rider, & Excalibur.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
New episode of the frotcast is here! Join the patreon NOW!!!!
“[McNulty]’s got the kind of alcoholism you think you can work with.” —Rachel Fisher
Ziggy’s got a duck and we have writer, co-host of the Hollywood Crime Scene Podcast & recent The Wire binger Rachel Fisher returning to the pod to talk to Matt & Vince about season two, episode eight, “Duck and Cover.”
The episode starts with an extended McNulty rock-bottom-hitting scene. Dominic West is proving he is our generation’s finest drunk actor. He’s puffy, red, sweaty, and ready to bone. Then, the show gets as lolrandom as David Simon is capable of. Ziggy brings the titular duck to the Polish Dudes Rock bar so he can make it drink booze and finally get some of the respect he wants so badly. And it works! Acting like a silly goose is what these people want from him. If Ziggy had taken some improv classes instead of doing crime, he’d still be alive today (but think of how female improvisers he would have sexually harassed - maybe for the best).
Rachel started watching The Wire when she heard we were doing the pod, further proof that we are industry tastemakers, and she and Matt agree that the AA meetings in The Wire are the only realistic depictions of AA meetings on TV. According to these two, there is no cross talking in AA meetings. You’re telling me they’re better organized and more respectful than this podcast? Seems unlikely.
Do you know any good bird dealers? Let us know in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like this week’s newest members: C-Train, Mute Button, & Cans.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“If you have any sort of sentimentality in this shitty rotten system, you’re going to lose.” -Nando Villa
Writer, host of the new podcast Shoot The Messenger, and returning guest Nando Vila joins Matt & Vince to break down season two episode seven of The Wire, “Backwash.”
Nando raises an interesting point about Herc & Carver. They are yet another in a long line of comedy duos featuring a dumbass and his even dumber sidekick (Harry & Lloyd, Abbot & Costello, Matt & Vince, etc.), but also they are like a pair of Benny Hills. “Yakety Sax” would not sound out of place over scenes of these goobers running around trying to put the proverbial toothpaste back in the tube. In this episode, they go to the spy store, which is definitely a place where the dumbest men max out their credit cards, to buy a listening device to fit into a tennis ball. Hilarity ensues, but it’s The Wire, so the subtext of that hilarity is that the institutions Americans rely on are rotting all the way to their thick-skulled core.
A trip in The Back In The Day Machine reminds us of the time George W. saw some elephants fornicate, and that catcalling is an Ancient Roman tradition. The next time you see a man harassing a woman on the street, ask yourself, is he a pervert or a historian?
What would Jason DiBiaggo’s podcast be like? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
New episode of the Frotcast is up now! Subscribe on Patreon.
“There is no happy show about Baltimore “ -Trevor Joyner
Why do white people love The Wire? This week’s guest, Stand up comedian and writer Trevor Joyner, joins Matt and Vince to ask the important questions while discussing season two episode six of The Wire, “All Prologue.”
Before getting into the episode, which could be a pilot for a sitcom called Everybody Loves Omar, they fire up the Back In the Day Machine to remember SARS and smoking in restaurants, then learn about Iranian conjoined twins, and struggle to understand the concept of deflation. It’s like inflation, but backwards? Money would be worth less, and that would be bad? Let’s just assume if it happened now, your uncles would be so pissed at Joe Biden for causing it.
In a milestone for the show, D’angelo makes his last appearance (RIP D), and in a milestone for the podcast, we have our first guest who has a firsthand story about a cast member. Listen to find out who Trevor saw popping and locking at a club.
Is Horseface Pakusa Italian or Polish? Tell us your thoughts in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: White Mike the Foster Child, Slizzy Mick, Digs, Hard On, & Tricky Dick.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Listen to the full episode by subscribing to Patreon.com/frotcast trust us it's worth it!
“Dillon Brooks is definitely the Cheese of the NBA” -Big Wos
Writer and NBA analyst from The Ringer, Wosny “Big Wos” Lambry, takes some time out of his definitely busy day (we recorded the day after the NBA trade deadline) to talk to Matt and Vince about season two episode five of The Wire, “Under Tow.”
A conversation about an episode from 2003 and its showdown between Ziggy and Cheese, the drug dealer played by the Wu Tang Clan’s finest actor – Method Man, might not seem relevant to the current zeitgeist, but as Wos points out, they’re both nepo babies. Ziggy is, of course, the son of Frank Sobotka, the treasurer for the International Brotherhood of Stevedores, and we learn in this episode that Cheese is East Baltimore drug kingpin Prop Joe’s nephew. Further proof that when not in our own butts, our fingers are firmly on the pulse. Their powerful relatives explain why Ziggy continues to get opportunities despite showing complete incompetence in whatever he does, and why Cheese has a leadership position despite making poor business decisions like burning Ziggy’s car instead of selling it. More nepo babies should fight for our entertainment. Imagine if Jack Quaid burned Ben Platt’s car. That would be sick as hell.
Meanwhile the police crew from the original detail continues to reassemble because this is the same show that made you wait five episodes for the titular wire. They start looking into Baltimore’s whitest drug dealers, leading Wos to introduce the term “White Mikes” to the pod.
Tell us how much you would pay for Ziggy’s OnlyFans in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: M. Night Shyamalan, Matt’s Mom, Mets, Steffenwolf, & The Mick.
“I’m bummed that my episode didn’t feature more Omar.” -Shereen Lani Younes
The band continues to get back together and Matt & Vince welcome writer, filmmaker, co-host of the Ethnically Ambiguous podcast, and fellow Idris Elba appreciator, Shereen Lani Younes breakdown The Wire season two episode four, “Hard Cases.”
This episode is sort of like that scene in T2, after they shatter the T-1000 and all the blobs start wiggling back together, but instead of little liquid metal orbs globbing into one big orb, it’s Jimmy blackmailing Bubbles to get a line on Omar, Herc and Prezbo reuniting out in an offsite, and Kima & Daniels telling their wives they’re going back to a detail. In a show of unified anger, the wives light angry dinner candles. Jimmy is doing his darndest to try to convince his wife he’s worth sticking with, playing the part of a good little Irish boy who will sign any custody agreement she wants. As Shereen points out, the little scamp thinks he’s playing his wife, when really she’s playing him. He managed to piss off everyone from season one so bad that no one wants him in their band or their liquid metal blob. His options are to quit or drown, and Irish men like him will literally drown before they quit or go to therapy.
On the docks, Ziggy invents the unsolicited dick pic, and, in the HBO crossover event of the century, buys the same leather jacket Richie Aprille tried to give to Tony Soprano.
If you have any shoplifting tips, leave them in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: The Yoat, Die Hard, Quadruple U, Too Huang Fu Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Here's a clip from this week's Frotcast, which you can listen to now by subscribing to our Patreon. Vince got dragged for hating on M Night and both Matt and Jessica are very sorry about that.
“When I’m king, it’s you against the wall.” — Adam Tod Brown (not Radiohead)
Buy stock in Omar, sell stock in Motorola, and listen as writer, podcaster and founder of the Unpops Podcast Network, Adam Tod Brown joins Matt and Vince to share his opinions, both pop and unpop, of The Wire season two episode three, “Hot Shots.”
Big brain business genius Stringer Bell is bearish on telecom stocks and bullish on D’angelo’s girl, Donnette. Bearish on phones because if Poot is already in full Kevin Gates two-phone mode, the market must be saturated. Little does he know that in the future everyone will have two phones. One to listen to this pod, and the other to listen to the Frotcast. He’s bullish on Donnette because a bull is what you call the guy who’s boinking your wife while you’re in prison.
Meanwhile Jimmy does a feminism, Bunk and Freeman do racisms, Avon does a conspiracy to commit murder, Clay does a grift, Frank does a corruption, Nicky does a homophobia, and Omar does a crime because while they may all contain multitudes, they are often exactly what you expect.
Be honest, how purple would your hair have to get before you licked a dude’s butt? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
See Pod Yourself A Gun live at SF Sketchfest January 27th at PianoFight theater. Get tickets now!
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: Wes Borland, Drumstick, Doctor D, & Rupe Fiasco.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Our first ever live PYAG went off with minimal hitches. Very fun show, unfortunately the audio isn't great, the clips are visual, and the audience was not mic'd so it's not the greatest recording but it gets the job done. In the future, it will sound better I swear! For now, enjoy this live PYAG.
Here's this week's Frotcast and a reminder that this Saturday, Jan 28 at 10pm we'll be at SF Sketchfest with Pod Yourself A Gun! Please buy your tickets and tell your friends. PLEASE COME!
“Does anyone else think, Ziggy: the original Roman Roy?” -Anna Hossnieh
Writer, co-host of the Ethnically Ambiguous podcast, and season two skeptic, Anna Hosnnieh joins Matt and Vince to dissect The Wire season two episode two, “Collateral Damage.”
Often, The Wire is about the lengths to which normal people will go to avoid doing work, or getting yelled at. Some episodes, like this one, are about just how much work those same people will do just to be petty to someone who yelled at them. Valchek and Frank get locked into a portside petty Polish pissing contest, and the only winner is a Catholic church looking at two new stained glass windows.
Even Jimmy would rather do hours of research on tide patterns to stick Rawls with fourteen murders to solve, drink fourteen shots of Jameson to celebrate, then disappoint Rhonda Perlman sexually and emotionally, than learn how to tie a knot (or go to therapy).
Would you rather eat the crab guts or an egg beer? Let us know in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
See Pod Yourself A Gun live at SF Sketchfest January 27th at PianoFight theater. Get tickets now!
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: Li’l Pog, Todos, Bieber, Sleepy, Li’l Bluey, & Quattro.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“You feel cold just watching it.” -Billy Wayne Davis
Avast, ye piggies! Pod Yourself The Wire returns for season two. Matt and Vince welcome writer and comedian (see his new special Testify now), Billy Wayne Davis aboard to talk about The Wire season two, episode one, “Ebb Tide.”
Season two starts with a portside turn, leaving the terraces, towers, and low-rises behind to explore the ports of Balmer. A lot is different: Jimmy Mcnulty is a little man in a boat, there’s a family of Polish longshoremen instead of the Barskdale crew, and Holly from The Office is floating around, but as Billy points out, not even thirty seconds pass before we see McNulty accept a bribe, so not too much has changed.
Do us a favor and make sure you’re subscribed to the Pod Yourself A Gun feed (we know, we know, it was a bad idea to make a new feed), and while you’re there, make sure to leave us a five-star review on apple podcasts.
See Pod Yourself A Gun live at SF Sketchfest January 27th at PianoFight theater. Get tickets now!
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: Handout, King Dick, Easy Mark, Kerfuffle, & Cracker.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey all, here's an unlocked episode of the Filmdrunk Frotcast. This is what you are missing every week by not subscribing to our Patreon. So please subscribe you dummies. JK, you're not dummies. You are smart. I love you.
Here's your weekly Frotcast slop! We talk about Ye's interview with Alex Jones, that one Grey's Anatomy writer who lied about having cancer, and Steven Spielberg's semi-autobiographical film The Fabelmans.
Hey everyone, first of all please subscribe to our Patreon while you wait for season 2 of Pod Yourself The Wire.
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: We have decided that the Pod Yourself A Gun feed is where you will find all future episodes of the Wire podcast. We were dumb to split the feeds and now we have decided to fix our mistake by urging all of you to subscribe to the Pod Yourself A Gun feed if you haven't already.
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Vince, Brent, and Matt will be doing a live Pod Yourself A Gun at SF Sketchfest 2023. It's gonna be Jan 28, 10pm @ Piano Fight theater in San Francisco. BUY TICKETS NOW!
Finally, enjoy the bonus episode of PYTW with all the Bawlmer B Stories from season 1.
“By the time you’re on your fourth or fifth show it will be a full zoo crew situation.” -David J. Roth
Taint and the Beav, aka Matt and Vince, welcome writer, podcaster, Defector co-founder, & unofficial Pod Yourself a Fourth Member, David J. Roth, for a morning-zoo-crew-influenced edition of the pod. Matt fires up the soundboard as the three break down The Wire’s first season finale, “Sentencing.”
There are many reasons David keeps getting invited to do the podcast, not the least of which is his ability to remember weird old guys that may have slipped from the cultural consciousness. Today, he reminds us of The Greaseman, a former radio personality who, according to his Wikipedia page, lost his position as a volunteer deputy sheriff in Falls Church, Virginia after saying a really racist thing on the radio, and is possibly the person responsible for popularizing the phrase, “who’s your daddy?” Because even The Greaseman contains multitudes. David also has funny, insightful things to say about this episode of The Wire, but you knew that already. You didn’t know who the daddy of “who’s your daddy?” was until right now, so thank David by subscribing to Defector.
Tell us your zoo crew shock jock DJ name in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: Elmer Fudd, Teddy Rooshavelt aka Baba Hanoush, & Lil’ Josh.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“I once dated a woman who compared me, not entirely unfavorably, to McNulty, and you know what? It was kind of a wake up call.” -Ben Fowlkes
Making his debut on the podcast is writer and podcaster from Co-Main Event, Ben Fowlkes joins Vince and Brent (still filling in for Matt even though his kid is like four-weeks-old which is old enough to get a job damn cut the cord already, Matt) to talk about The Wire season 1 episode 12, “Cleaning Up.”
Featuring one of The Wire’s most memorable scenes, what you might not remember about this episode, if you’ve already watched the series, is that Lester really walks a fine line between smooth older man and total creep taking advantage of a terrified young confidential informant. If learning how a beautiful woman likes her coffee and then reminding her of your military service were a crime, Lester would still not be in jail because cops look out for each other.
What you probably remember is the end of young Michael B. Jordan’s character Wallace. He wasn’t cut out for the game. His heart did pump Kool-aid after all. RIP Wallace and RIP the uneaten hot dogs Poot Bodie and Wallace leave on the table just before the murder. Neither Wallace nor the dogs got to reach their full potential, but the game is the game.
Tell us what you think is the best hot dog in world history in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: Queef, The Gigolo, Trout, Baby Horse, Screwdriver, Staples, Jailbird, Lil Drummer Boy.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Over the last 20 years, the goalposts for what is copaganda have moved.” –Ben Flores
As many of you know, our beloved piggy wrangling, bum lumming host is a father now, and the recording of this episode of the pod took place in the days immediately following the birth of Matt’s first child. Filling in as co-host is Pod Yourself The Wire producer, comedian, and writer of these descriptions, Brent Flyberg. Joining Matt & Brent is writer and humorist from the Please Save Me podcast, Ben Flores to talk about The Wire season 1 episode 11, “The Hunt.”
In the aftermath of the buy-bust gone wrong that left Kima leaking from some bullet holes, The Barksdales look to clean up their mess while the Baltimore Police Department looks sort of competent for once. Considering the episode revolves around the uncertain future of one of the series’s more likable characters, it’s a surprisingly funny episode. Even Wee Bey is so charming you have to remind yourself that he’s a bad man even by the standards of The Wire. He makes the meme face we all love!
Leave instructions for how to take care of your fish in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast like this week’s newest members: Special K, Squirts, Draymond, & Horse.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“We have to turn our taste into politics to delude ourselves into thinking our consumption can change the direction of the ship of state.” -Matt Christman
This week on the pod, Matt and Vince invite the return of writer, podcaster, and self-proclaimed Bunk head, Matt Christman from The Chapo Trap House podcast (on tour now!) to talk about The Wire season 1 episode 10, “The Cost.”
This is a mid-aughts HBO prestige crime drama, so the crime guys have to have a strip club to use as a clubhouse. Fitting that The Sopranos’ dumbest character, Georgie, was running the Bada Bing, because The Wire’s dumbest character, Orlando, is running this show’s Balta Bing. As Vince points out, everyone in the aughts was trying to ball a little, and Orlando, tired of being the steady, nondescript hand behind the front, gets flipped by the detail after trying to buy heroin from a cop.
Things don’t end well for Orlando, or anyone else related to the Barksdale crew who tries to cooperate with the detail (poor Wallace). Don’t talk to the cops! Especially not the lovable, scampy, irish f*ckboy TV cops.
Tell us your favorite thing about Bunk Moreland in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like today’s newest member: The Dane.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“A show about the Eastside would be boring because Prop Joe is running it well.” -Cullen Crawford.
On the latest edition of the pod, Matt and Vince invite writer, podcaster, and host of the Football Friends Who Are Gambling podcast, Cullen Crawford to be a basketball friend who is not gambling, but rather, discussing The Wire season 1 episode 9, “Game Day.”
Every day is game day for Avon, Stringer, and Prop Joe, but especially today, because the boys have hoop dreams. The annual East vs. West basketball game has everyone coming together. Prop Joe is there with a fake clipboard and Avon in a very aughts visor. Herc & Carv are in the stands chopping it up with Poot & Bodie, watching a 37-year-old JuCo baller cross up a collection of normal guys from the Eastside. Even Lt. Daniels stops by to try to get his peepers on the head of the Barksdale syndicate. Daniels gets the peek he wants, but is met with a Mutumbo-esque finger wag from Avon. That reference was for the real sport heads.
Herc asks a very important question while watching a payphone from a roof, how do the pebbles get up there? Let us know your theories in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Can someone please make a Stringer Bell profile on LinkedIn?” -Leah Carroll
With each pod we get closer to landing David Simon. Today’s guest is not only a casual acquaintance of Baltimore’s preeminent erudite curse word factory, she’s also the author of Down City: A Daughter's Story of Love, Memory, and Murder. Leah Carroll returns to talk to Matt & Vince about The Wire season 1 episode 8, “Lessons.”
Appropriate that the name of the name of the episode is “Lessons” because everyone learned something. McNulty learns that his children are too good at the front & follow “game” he taught them after he loses them while they tail Stringer Bell shopping at a farmer’s market. The market’s security guard learns what everyone else knows about Jimmy – he’s not a good dad. We all learn that Stringer Bell drives a sensible maroon Toyota Camry, and from Stringer, the corner boys turn copy boys learn the difference between elastic and inelastic products. It’s not just fictional characters learning lessons, Matt learns that he’s using an outdated and and disrespectful term for sex workers. Crazy because he’s basically a sex worker himself, what with this podcast making all our listeners so damn horny.
How would you convince David Simon to come on the pod? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like today’s newest members: Mucho Gusto, The Dork, The Pollack, & Mainal Sex.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“I’m old enough for all of this.” -@Danfromtheinternet
On the latest episode of the pod, Matt & Vince welcome a frustratingly young guest, Dan from the internet, to talk about The Wire season 1 episode 7, “One Arrest.” Dan is a gen z content creator and news commentator. He's a host on Good Morning Bad News on TikTok, as well as his news & culture show Power Report and Audioface where he and his co-host reviews new music almost every week. To keep up with everything Dan does everywhere, follow him on Twitter.
It’s appropriate that Dan introduces the podcast to the concept of ugly bastard hentai, because there is a lot of ugly bastard behavior from the various characters in David Simon’s Baltimore in this episode. Landsman prank’s a desperate Santangelo into enlisting a low-rent psychic to help him clear cases, drunk Bunk implores a woman to “rub ‘em together like that,” and even Judge Phelan is vocalizing his desire to “throw a f*ck” into a peer. ACAUB.
Should we pod ourselves a King of the HIll when we’re done with this series? Let us know in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like today’s newest members: Alphabet, Quattro, The Mick, The Battery, & The Green Man.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
Hey, what's up, gang. It's Vince here, and boy have we got a treat for you guys on the free feed today! Not that you deserve it. In fact, you should definitely stop listening right and go sign up for the Patreon at Patreon dot com slash frotcast. Are you still listening? God dammit. Oh well. Anyway, this week, I'm talking to Steve-O. You know, from Jackass. You know Steve-O! Steve-O has a book coming out. The Book is called A Hard Kick In THe Nuts, What I've Learned From A Lifetime of Terrible Decisions, and it's available everywhere books are sold. It's about Steve-O's sex addiction, his recovery from sex addiction, his relationships, what he's learned in recovery... All that stuff! Anyway, that's the context of the interview today, and I hope you enjoy it, even if you think you're too damn good to sign up for our Patreon. Do it! Matt's baby just got born! Congrats, matt! Sign up for the Patreon so she doesn't go hungry. Okay, love you all, enjoy.
“D’angelo would for sure be an Andrew Tate fan.” -Adrian Mcnair
If you’re within five miles of the Koreatown neighborhood in Los Angeles, you may have seen today’s guest on any of the dating apps, but today you can hear comedian and television writer Adrian McNair talk to Matt & Vince to talk about The Wire season 1 episode 6, “The Wire.”
Discussing the titular episode of the series, we learn that Vince sometimes fantasizes about being a cop. Not because of the power, status, or license to drive drunk, but because they seem like they’re bros who look out for each other. Imagine showing up to work as bombed as Auggie Polk does. Are your coworkers going to cover your ass like McNulty and Kima do? And you get a gun? At this point no one expects police to do any actual good in the world, so if you do even the bare minimum you would get worshiped like a hero and huh okay maybe this show is copaganda in that it makes joining the force look more and more appealing every episode.
Settle a bet: Is Michael B. Jordan doing good acting in this episode or is he just talking fast? Put your response in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like today’s newest members: The Onion Volcano, B Squared, Lebowski, Hogan’s Heroes, Math Class, The Kizzer, The Wheeze, & Ghostbuster.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Do you know how many people you have to kill for a whistle to catch on?” -Katrina Davis
It’s a great day for grown men named Stinkum, and an even better day for you, because on the latest Pod Yourself The Wire, Matt and Vince welcome the return of comedian and Pod Yourself A Favorite Katrina Davis to discuss The Wire season 1 episode 5, “The Pager.”
It’s important to McNulty that Kima knows that he did not literally call the mother of his children the c-word, but if you read between the lines, he definitely thinks his ex-wife is a c-word. Katrina points out that the way he dances around it makes him sound like if Amy Sherman-Palladino wrote a philandering men’s rights activist cop character. McNulty might be a bad man, but he’s a good cop, unlinke Herc and Carver who are bad men, bad cops, and even worse good cop/ bad cop players. The “good cop” can’t swing on a mope, everybody knows that.
Fellas, is it gay to take the landline out of your girl’s house if you get paranoid like Avon? Let us know in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast, like today’s newest members: Big Daddy Kane, The Toucan, Krack Baby, Edward Scissorhands, The Real Viking, Snoopy, & Midol.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Tap tap tap is the sound of Poot’s boner on the window” -Dave Schiling
On this episode of The Wire, the police try to get a desk through a door, but no one knows which direction they’re going (it’s a metaphor), and on this episode of the pod, Matt and Vince invite the host of the Free Validation podcast and writer for the LA Times, Dave Schilling to talk about season 1 episode 4, “Old Cases.”
This is the episode featuring the famous f-word scene. McNulty and Bunk show that they may be alcoholic philanderers with limited vocabularies, but they’re natural po-lice who understand basic bullet physics. Omar wouldn’t like hearing all those dirty words coming out of their pretty mouths, but the rest of us piggies are eating it up yum yum yum.
We’re getting sent back to pawn shop duty if we don’t get more five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts.
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Hey all,
Here is an unlocked episode of the Frotcast, that other show Matt and Vince do where they talk about things other than the Sopranos and The Wire. You can get it every week at patreon.com/frotcast so subscribe NOW!
We're back with your weekly helping of slop. Matt and Vince and guest Jessica Sele talk about an app that makes you sound white, Leonard Nimoy's love of big women, Sylvester Stallone's divorce, and the new HBO Max series House of the Dragon. Enjoy!
“Before Omar, being gay was for nerds.” –Mike Recine
This week on Pod Yourself The Wire, D’angelo and the boys are playing chess, but Matt, Vince and their guest are playing 3D checkers (3D=3 dads). Comedian and host of the Out For Smokes Podcast, Mike Recine stops by to talk about The Wire season 1 episode 3, “The Buys.”
“The Buys” marks the first appearance of late great Michael K. William’s iconic stick-up man character, Omar Little. Omar’s whistling, robbing, smoking, and generally looking cool as hell while McNulty continues to be everyone’s favorite irish f*ckboy who would literally rather get wrapped up in a months-long wiretap investigation than go to therapy. He also has sex. The scene is long, breathy, and hotter than a fresh order of Baltimore’s favorite lunch, lake trout.
Mismatched socks make Matt horny, but nothing makes him as horny as a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
“Everybody wants to not get yelled at.” –PFT Commenter
Like every episode of The Wire begins with a quote from the episode, every episode description for Pod Yourself The Wire: A The Wire Podcast, now begins with a quote from the podcast. Today’s quote comes from writer, podcaster, cohost of Pardon My Take and the Macrodosing podcast, PFT Commenter. Matt and Vince welcomed PFT to talk about season 1 episode 2, “The Buys.”
PFT breaks down the subtext of the episode right from the start. What we all really want from our job is to not get yelled at. The Wire does a great job of reminding you that cops are guys who will absolutely shirk their duties at work if it means they won’t get yelled at, but also they have guns, and if they think shooting or pistol whipping some poor mope’s eyeball out of his socket will lead to less yelling in their direction, they’ll do it. It’s easy to judge because, you know, they are abusing their power to avoid accountability, but can you imagine if they let you have a gun at work? Like, how quickly would you make some entitled customer shut up and leave your Quizno’s if you could wave a glock around? Would you wield that power responsibly? I’d be a terrible cop, and I bet you would too. It’s almost like the whole system is broken. It’s a cliche, but if you talk about The Wire long enough you will eventually say “the whole system is broken.” It’s unavoidable.
A friendly reminder that cops are allowed to lie to you during interrogations, and you are allowed to lie in podcast reviews, so even if you don’t like the show, give us five stars on Apple Podcasts.
Subscribe to Pod Yourself The Wire on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
From the makers of Pod Yourself A Gun, the only The Sopranos podcast, now comes Pod Yourself The Wire, the only podcast about HBO’s Baltimore crime drama The Wire. Hosts Matt Lieb & Vince Mancini welcome the pod’s first guest, comedian, producer of the pod, handsome stud, and writer of these episode descriptions, Brent Flyberg, to talk about the premiere episode “The Target.”
Welcome to Baltimore, bitch. Or as the locals call it, Balmur. In this first episode, we meet so many characters (Poot, Bubs, Herc, Bunk, etc, Snot Boogie, etc.), see many different municipal buildings, and are introduced to a lot of Balmer cop lingo. If this is your first time, don’t worry about learning everything just yet. “Drinking out of the fire hose” was a phrase they threw around at my last job when describing their new hire training process. They threw a bunch of names, stats, email addresses, divisions, and processes at every new person and were like, retain what you can - some of this will make sense later. That’s you watching this episode. Relax and open up for The Wire hose.
Matt, Vince, & I are here to help you answer questions like: Who are any of these people? What are they doing? Why do they say their Os weird? What is a grape Nehi? And most importantly, which actor has the truest-to-life outdated civil servant hairdo?
The deputy loves dots, we love stars, so give us 5 of them in a review on Apple Podcasts.
Subscribe to Pod Yourself A Gun on Apple Podcasts
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want. Sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier to hear Vince give you a corner nickname on the podcast.
-Description by Brent Flyberg
It's finally here! Episode 1 of Pod Yourself The Wire - A The Wire Podcast is up for Patreon subscribers right this very moment. Or you can wait a week and get it on the free feed which you can find here. But you should definitely join the Patreon because we are nearly adults now and money is actually important to have.
It’s A-me, A-DHL-a As we close in on the end of the only podcast about the GOATest show of all time, we welcome an old friend back to the pod to help us say goodbye to another one of Jersey’s finest pork store associates. Writer, frequent Frot guest, and Executive Producer for Abbot Elementary and Harley Quinn, Justin Halpern rejoins Matt and Vince to talk about the penultimate episode of The Sopranos, season 6b episode 8, “The Blue Comet.” Pay your last respects to a loving father, good earner, dutiful husband, and model train enthusiast, Bobby Bacala. From Junior’s driver, to redundant upper management, Bobby lives in our hearts, and in the ziti he left in his freezer. Other notable dust-biters in this episode: Bert Gervasi, two poor Ukrainian suckers who answered the door for the wrong Italian DHL driver, and a guy riding his motorcycle past the Bada Bing at the wrong time (probably). Through it all, AJ makes everything about himself and his depression, like a natural-born podcaster. Tell us how you would fix upper management redundancy in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. Subscribe to Pod Yourself A Gun on Apple Podcasts. Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030 Support the Pod: become a patron at patreon.com/Frotcast and get more bonus content than you could ever want, AND if you sign up for the Pod Yourself a Shoutout tier, Vince will give you a mob name on the show. Like last week’s newest members: The Funny, KK, The Perv, Will Call, & Titanic. Description by Brent Flyberg. (twitter.com/brentflyberg)
Pod Yourself A Gun, the world's only Sopranos rewatch podcast, is back with another fresh and wholly original hour of thoughtful Sopranos critique/offensive impressions of Italian-Americans and jokes about dick sucking lips. This week Matt and Vince watched season 2, episode 3 "Toodle-Fucking-Oo" or as Vince titled it "Hey We're Old School, Right?" This episode introduces Richie Aprile and Beansy into Sopranos lore and we see three generations of Soprano women (Meadow, Janice and Livia) flex their manipulation muscle. General themes include: -Old school vs new age -Dr. Melfi vs Jennifer Melfi -Lips vs tits -Can you beat a woman if she's not your wife? -You can't even beat your kids anymore! Matt and Vince welcome the hilarious Shereen Younes (of the Ethnically Ambiguous podcast) who offers a MIND BLOWING theory regarding the relationship between Beansy and Richie. It honestly will change the way you watch the rest of season 2. Enjoy this episode you worthless bookyaks. GABAGOOOOOL!
Pod Yourself A Gun's Sopranos rewatch continues with episode 15 (season 2, episode 2), "Do Not Resuscitate." First aired January 23rd, 2000, this episode sees Tony deal with a race strike at one of his construction sites, Livia dealing with Janice, and Livia being caught in the web of one of her own manipulations (or is she??). Oh, and we also get the first appearance of Tony's long-suffering punching bag, Bobby Baccalá, and find out that Big Pussy Bonpensiero actually is working with the Feds after all. I watch all the episodes at least twice for this show, and this one probably gained the most so far from the second viewing. "Do Not Resuscitate" is easily the most subtle Sopranos episode up until this point and arguably one of the most subtle of any episode. As such, there's lots to debate and discuss! Do we believe, for instance, as Matt Zoller-Seitz speculates, that it was Livia who told Junior that the director of the Green Grove Retirement Community was spreading Sopranos secrets? And that when Junior told Tony and got the guy whacked, which became an excuse for Livia not to go back there, did she become the victim of her own plans, and thus the choking sequence when she found out about it? This is by far the most complex "fan theory" I will ever engage with but in this case I think it actually might be true. Our guest this week is Alison Stevenson, wonderful comedian and long-time friend of the pod who also has her own podcast about relationships and a Wednesday night gig on Adult Swim. As always, please enjoy this episode, and if you don't, va fongool.
In episode 14, season one of The Sopranos is over and season 2 begins! "Season Two opens with the aftermath of the federal crackdown: Junior's in jail, Melfi refuses to see Tony, Christopher's expanding into new business ventures, Pussy is still missing...and Tony's adjusting to life as the new boss. To complicate matters even more, Tony's free-spirited sister Janice arrives to take care of Livia." In "Guy Walks Into A Psychiatrist's Office," which originally premiered January 16th, 2000, sees Tony making nice with Big Pussy, Christopher running a pump and dump scheme while getting deeper into heroin, and the first appearance of Aida Turturro as Tony's sister Janice, one of the all-time great TV characters and very triggering according to Matt. I think we all know at least one Janice. It's also the first time we meet Matt Bevilaqua, played by Lillo Brancato Jr., previously of A Bronx Tale, who would go on to do eight years in prison for his part in a botched burglary during which an off-duty police officer was killed. That's pretty dark, but the important thing to remember is that this episode is full of important trivia, some of which we remember. Give it a listen or va fongool.