Welcome to Episode 106! MTT Coach Gareth James and Peak Performance Mindset Coach & Educator Dr. Tricia Cardner are back discussing all things poker strategy & mindset. The hosts started off by catching up on Gareth’s progress towards his morning routine as well as his next 12 Week Year.
Then, they turned their attention to answering a question posted in Gareth’s Facebook group by Tyler. Tyler thinks he has a mental block around losing 50% of his stack because whenever that happens to him, he rather just bust than build it back up.
Topics covered include:
● The importance of sticking to a morning routine
● Why planning in 12 week increments is a good way to stay on track and make progress towards business, physical and mental game goals
● How we can feel the urge to do something (just bust when we lose 50% of our stack) and not do it in order to meet our overall goals
● Why it’s important to realize that poker can be mentally painful but we don’t have to give in to feel good in the moment
Join Dr. Tricia’s private Facebook group here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/PokerMindsetMasteryLab/Join Gareth’s MTT focused Facebook group here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/pokerprofitsLooking for the 10 Minute Tilt Cure?
https://www.peakpokermindset.com/10-minute-tilt-cureBuy Gareth's Tournament Poker Course: