I hope this week’s topic really resonates with you guys. I’ve said it before, I think the most exciting part of pregnancy (other than finding out you’re pregnant!) is figuring out that you’re in labor! 🥳
Most births are not like the movies. They don’t typically start with a massive gush of water followed by insanely intense contractions that have mom rushing to the hospital. 🚑 That’s not to say a birth can’t start with your waters breaking and even immediate contractions, but most often, you’re going to have some time to ease into labor.
With that in mind, I’m going to walk you through what you can expect with those first contractions, what you can do to help manage them as they increase in intensity and consistency, and how you can easily keep track if you want to. 📝
Links Mentioned:
Contraction Timer & Counter 9m
Contraction Timer - Time Labor
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