Founder of the Instagram phenomenon News Not Noise and former CNN White House correspondent Jessica Yellin has become known as the go to independent news source online. Just as her handle suggests, she delivers the news without the noise and her steady handed approach has reached nearly half a million followers online. Jessica and Danielle talk about how and why Jessica left her once dream job at CNN just two months after being promoted to start her own news platform, and the surprising celebrity women who helped share her platform with the world (spoiler- Amy Schumer is one of them)! We talk about the outrage in television news, what she has learned from working in Washington, what she’s learned from the generation of women before and after her, and the importance of doing good and doing well. Also, how would the news be different if more women were informing it? TDLR: Jessica is a woman whom I look up to very much. She follows her intuition + works tirelessly for what she believes in. After the episode you can find Jessica on Instagram @JessicaYellin
Produced by Dear Media.