As we watch a war in Ukraine unfold before our eyes, there is one woman who believes that while humans are responsible for all war we are also the only ones with the power to stop it. Dr. Samantha Nutt is the founder of Warchild USA, an organization that aims to help children in war torn communities taking a long term approach to breaking the cycle of poverty and violence. Dr. Nutt has worked in dozens of conflict zones and is a leading voice on current affairs, international aid and foreign policy. Dr. Nutt has worked with children and their families at the frontline of many of the world’s major crises – from Iraq to Afghanistan, Somalia to the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sierra Leone to Darfur, Sudan. Today she is here to share her experiences and help educate us on what we must know about when it comes to war and ways we can help stop the cycle of war around the world.
She shares:For more information on Dr. Nutt or ways to get involved with War Child please visit or