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Welcome to the brand new Principles of Music Podcast. In our first episode, Bryan explores the subject of technique from a host of different perspectives, including;
- What technique really is and the musical advantages it affords us
- The pitfalls associated with technical practice
- How to develop it in a way that avoids those pitfalls
- The mindset you should foster when considering technique and technical limitations
- plus a lot more.
We chiefly demonstrate these concepts as they relate to guitar however every instrument will be able to draw parallels to the ideas discussed here.
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00:00 Intro
00:01:24 Why we want limitless technique?
0014:00 “Technique is like poison”
00:19:30 The Anti-Technique Fallacy
00:26:00 The Ultimate Goal
00:31:16 Practicing Technique
00:37:20 Alternate Picking is Nothing to Think about
00:45:00 Being Played by The Instrument
00:52:00 Balancing the pursuit of Music and Technique
00:59:30 When Do I Abandon a Technique?
01:06:00 Find the Technique For The Phrase
01:12:00 Is Time an Aspect of Technique?
01:16:30 Linking it to identity and voice
01:20:00 Practicing Licks is the worst thing
01:25:44 Harmonic Scale Practice
01:34:52 Developing your own style
01:44:30 How do you make the process as efficient as possible