PCBs today are tiny, multilayered, complex systems; produced at a much higher and more efficient rate than ever before thanks to sophisticated design software and manufacturing processes. But as the technology and consumer demand grow and develops, so must PCBs. And this is why PCBs are now under a lot of pressure as they are the basis of all electronic devices.
I'm your host, Steph Chavez. And today I am joined by Anaya Vardya, CEO of American Standard Circuits, also known as ASC. He will help us understand the challenges and best practices for designing advanced printed circuit boards (PCBs).
In this episode, you will learn about the importance of involving manufacturers early in the design process of PCBs. You’ll also hear why end requirements should drive the need for applying newer technologies. Additionally, you will find out about the best practices for advanced PCB designs.
What You’ll Learn in this Episode:
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