PRODUCTEA with Leah, Growth & Senior Leadership
Dave Boyce started to talk to me about meatloaf. The logical follow-up to this topic is of course that he is a board member at Forrester. And a great human to be and spend time with. He advocated for PLG through Winning by Design, an amazing gig that gets the numbers right about PLG. Their visualizations are legendary and the reason for this is the people behind them, David is one of them.
0:00 Dave and Leah introductions
05:30 What do people get wrong about Dave Boyce
08:40 How Dave sees his growth mindset and puts his ego where it belongs.
09:45 Why we should not hold back from sharing our learnings
16:15 Dave’s beautiful story of realizing that we’re all just humans during his entire career
20:35 Leah’s framework about leaders and why it’s impossible to have it together all the time
23:00 Dave’s definition of leadership. Bringing people somewhere they can’t see yet
26:00 When letting people go becomes difficult, and how some decisions are impossible to get right.
28:50 The connection to middle management. Do not resent people for making mistakes under you.
30:40 Winning by Design and its mission to push into unexplored territory connected to PLG
35:15 Why the math of Sales-Led doesn’t work when PLG could work.
36:30 Leah’s take on PLG
43:00 How sales can be a miserable experience
47:15 It’s not about pretense anymore, it’s about bringing the best we have to offer to our fellow humans
48:30 How Hubspot brought PLG to Leah
56:00 How to bring Product-led Sales into a Sales-led organization
59:15 The trend about bringing Product to Sales