[originally published on Patreon Oct 26, 2021]
Today I return to looking at novels as spycraft, particularly Lewis Carroll, JM Barrie, and HG Wells. I go through Carroll's connections to Oxford, his hobbies and predilections, his relationship with the Liddell family, and the enduring fixation Carroll's work has for pedophiles to this day.
Then, I look at JM Barrie, his ties to the literary scene and the throne, his relationship with the Llewelyn Davies family, and the fate of those children.
To wrap it up, I discuss several of HG Wells more interesting works, including the World Set Free, the Open Conspiracy, and the New World Order.
You might have known some of what I talk about today, but I'm certain there are some salient details that biographers seem to like to leave out.
Wonderland by T*ylor Sw*ft
Enter Sandman by Met*llica
New World Order by Meg*deth
the Eve of the War from Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds