In case you would like to learn more about our backgrounds, Cindy’s LinkedIn is here, Sarantis’ is here, and Dale’s is here.
For more information about the UK Biobank, an Olink to Science blog post called “Genetic Regulation of the Human Plasma Proteome in the UK Biobank” is available here. The preprint publication itself is available here on bioRxiv. If you’d like to see a great 15 minute presentation on what the goals are for the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project, Dr. Chris Whelan (Biogen) presented this YouTube video at one of the UK Biobank’s scientific meetings that is worth watching.
If you would like to contact Dale, Cindy or Sarantis feel free to email us at [email protected]
In case you were wondering, Proteomics in Proximity refers to the principal underlying Olink Proteomics assay technology called the Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), and more information about the assay and how it works can be found here.