In the early 1990s, the quiet town of Beelitz, Germany was haunted by a grotesque and horrifying figure known as “The Beast of Beelitz.” This serial killer preyed upon innocent and unsuspecting victims, and subjected them to unspeakable acts of violence before taking their lives. His depravity knew no bounds as he sought to fulfill his twisted desires, which did not end with his victims’ tragic deaths, but continued postmortem as he desecrated their bodies in unimaginably vile ways. Furthermore, “The Beast of Beelitz” added a deeply disturbing layer to his heinous acts by wearing women's underwear during these appalling crimes, and then intentionally evacuating his bowels to satisfy a perverse sexual fetish. Needless to say, “The Beat of Beelitz” went on to become one of the most gruesome serial killers in German criminal history.
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