Today, we return to once again to the state of Alabama to speak with Stacey Fuller and Kathleen Henderson. If you will recall, Stacey joined Hunter in his conversation with Leah Nelson to discuss the fines and fees that keep Alabamans from accessing a meaningful second chance. At the end of that episode, Stacey mentioned the Felony ID card the state required her always have on her. That conversation plays directly into this one as we examine the other onerous conditions the state of Alabama places on those returning from incarceration. Join Hunter, Kathleen, and Stacey as we wade through the minefield that the formerly incarcerated must navigate to avoid returning to jail.
Stacey Fuller, Community Outreach Coordinator, Tennessee
Kathleen Henderson, Re-Entry Case Manager, Alabama Apple Seed
Alabama Appleseed
Alabama Driver’s License Bill
Alabama Prison Funding
Alabama Trial Penalty
Alabama Inmate Frozen to Death
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