Wondering what the Peter PLAN is this week, friends...? Well, for the guys at Puppet Tears, it's talking to the one and only Derek Lux. Alongside his wife Lauren, Derek is the founder of DLux Puppet, a San Francisco-based company that produces spell-binding, multi-media performances for the whole family. Their break-out first show was a re-telling of Alice in Wonderland; in January of 2019, they'll premier their newest production: Peter Pan. You'll hear Derek talk about his roots - an early immersion in voice acting and theatre, becoming a fan of Jim Henson's technological wizardry and re-discovering puppetry as an adult - making it his full-time profession. Don't miss this discussion that tackles everything from collaborating with puppet-master Steve Axtell to leading a production of Sweeny Todd at The National Puppetry Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center. For mentions and show notes, visit www.PuppetTears.com/DerekLux Release date: November 21, 2018 Hosted by Adam Kreutinger & Cameron Garrity