Pure Nonfiction: Inside Documentary Film
“Enemies of the State” looks at the strange case of Matt DeHart, a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous who was prosecuted for child pornography. He claimed the charges were a cover up to seize his computers containing government secrets. Director Sonia Kennebeck and producer Ines Hoffman Kanna spent years trying to untangle the knotty mysteries of his case. Their previous film National Bird (2016) won the Ridenhour Documentary Film Prize for its profile of three people who worked on the U.S. military’s drone program and became whistle blowers. One of the film’s subjects Daniel Hale was recently convicted under the Espionage Act. Sonia discusses his case recently covered in The Washington Post. Pure Nonfiction host Thom Powers interviews Sonia about both films.
Enemies of the State is now available on VOD from IFC Films.
Warning: this episode reveals details from “Enemies of the State” that might be considered spoilers if you haven't seen the film.
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