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With ESG top of mind for many companies, we’re continuing our new podcast series looking at how the current and future reporting landscape may impact individual industries. This week, guest host Casey Herman, PwC’s US ESG leader, was joined by Dan Sullivan and Randy Hoff, specialists in PwC’s Financial Markets & Real Estate practice, to discuss the strategy and reporting challenges and opportunities for real estate companies. In addition, any company that owns or rents space for its business would benefit from it.
In this episode, our guests discuss:
Want to learn more about developments in ESG? Register for our upcoming Q3 2022 Quarterly ESG webcast, and listen to our previous podcast that provides insights into the ESG disclosures that matter to investors. Also refer to the text or audio version of our In the loop, The SEC wants me to disclose what?
Dan Sullivan is PwC’s Financial Markets & Real Estate leader. Dan has 18 years experience assisting clients with capital markets challenges driven by owning, originating, and investing in complex financial products and real estate. He helps clients navigate rapidly changing ESG demands to create innovative product and market strategies that lead the way in sustainability finance.
Randy Hoff is a Principal in PwC's Financial Markets & Real Estate team with over 20 years experience. He provides a wide range of innovative and tech-forward ESG solutions to Commercial and Industrial occupiers and investors. Randy helps clients achieve Net Zero and other emissions reduction goals through technology, advanced analytics and engineering.
Casey Herman is PwC’s US ESG Leader. Casey has over 35 years of experience leading and working on the audits of many significant, complex clients and is a member of the Edison Electric Institute's Wall Street Advisory Group, the Electric Power Research Institutes Advisory Council, and the NYU Stern Business School Center for Sustainable Business Advisory Council.
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