Question Everything: Hinduism & Current Events with Premanand Das Bhagat
0:00 – Introduction ... 1:33 – Definitions of Maya (i.e. illusion) from Sri Chaitanya & Adi Shankara
5:48 – What is Maya, who is Maya dependent on, where does Maya come from?
7:16 – O.B.L. Kapoor's book "The Philosophy & Religion of Sri Chaitanya (The Philosophical background of the Hare Krishna Movement)"
10:19 – Law of Attraction, Claude M. Bristol's book "The Magic of Believing: The Science of Setting Your Goal and Reaching It"
16:54 – Religious universalism (i.e. all religions are the same) unintentionally re-interprets & eventually destroys religions
22:14 – Auras are from Theosophy not Hinduism but called Hindu
24:44 – Christian missionaries in India 1800's using fake religious universalism to get more Christians, Hindus unintentionally copying missionaries today
27:44 – Fighting for the future purity of Hinduism, yoga's corruption as an example of religious corruption
30:50 – Not having a human guru, life as guru, criticism of self-guruing (i.e. being your own guru)
35:10 – Dead vs living (ie. physically present) gurus, ISKCON Revival Society (correction: misnamed in video, is actually the ISCKON Revival Movement - IRM) which publishes "Back To Prabhupada" magazine
40:17 – Neem Karoli Baba
42:18 – Satya Sai Baba, disciple & devotee relationship
44:28 – Michael "Dairyu" Wenger of the San Francisco Zen Center
45:56 – Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Carolyn Lee's book "The Promised God-Man Is Here", feeling lost after leaving one's guru
52:39 – Ramakrishna Paramahamsa & Swami Vivekananda
55:38 – Swami Prahbupada, ISKCON gurus
57:37 – Sri Dharma Acharya of Dharma Nation youtube & International Sanatana Dharma Society
1:00:22 – Real gurus follow scripture (i.e. walk their talk), are intimately familiar with scriptures, gurus not exempt from scriptures, enlightened gurus, real gurus do not re-interpret scriptures or say not to read them
1:09:02 – Real gurus talk about god, fake gurus replace god with themselves
1:11:30 – Physical & spiritual threats from fake gurus
1:14:47 – Guru-of-the-month syndrome
1:17:14 – Openness to finding a guru, Kama Sutra, sex & fake gurus
1:20:11 – Fake gurus fool people with fancy words, test the waters on a guru, research a guru, real gurus serve the student, real gurus with small organizations, Santosha Tantra of Source Transmission youtube ( , gurus not above law
1:26:33 – Closing thoughts
I am Aaron Joy (Premanand Das Bhagat), in Maine USA. I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.
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I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley. Student of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.
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