How should we grieve? Is there an expiration date, or one right way to feel our sorrow? Is “getting over it” the healthy option? How should we treat a grieving family member? Are there spiritual benefits to grieving? In this episode of Quran Conversations, Imam Muhammad Majid and I explore how Yaqub (s) models grieving and parenting children who have committed a grievous act of transgression.
You will learn:
📖 How to support a grieving loved one.
📖 How to continue to hold space for children who behave in ways you don’t approve.
📖 What it means to see grief as a pathway to nearness to Allah.
📖 Why taking action to correct a wrong is necessary in seeking forgiveness.
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@Quran.Conversations is sponsored by Fawakih, an online learning platform for Quranic Arabic which I myself use. Start your journey in unlocking the language of the Quran. Go to
We hope this podcast encourages your own reflective journey with the Quran. Make sure to stay until the end to hear this week’s reflection prompt.
For more spiritual insights, follow me on Instagram at @daliamogahed
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@Quran.Conversations is sponsored by Fawakih, an online learning platform for Quranic Arabic which I myself use. Start your journey in unlocking the language of the Quran. Go to