(26:1) Ta'. Sin. Mim. (26:2) These are the verses of the Clear Book. (26:3) (O Muhammad), you will perhaps grieve yourself to death because these people do not believe. (26:4) If We will, We can send down a Sign to them from heaven, so their necks will be humbled to it. (26:5) Never does there come to them an admonition from the Merciful Lord but they turn away from it. (26:6) They will soon come to know the truth of that which they have been scoffing at. (26:7) Do they not look at the earth, how We caused a variety of fine vegetation to grow from it (in abundance)? (26:8) Surely there is a Sign in this, but most of them would not believe. (26:9) Verily Your Lord is Infinitely Mighty, Most Compassionate. (26:10) (Recount to them about the time) when Your Lord called Moses: "Go to the wrong-doing people, (26:11) the people of Pharaoh: do they have no fear?" (26:12) He said: "My Lord! I fear that they will brand me a liar. (26:13) My breast is constricted and my tongue is not fluent, so endow Messengership on Aaron. (26:14) As for me, they hold the charge of a crime against me. I fear they will put me to death." (26:15) He said: "Certainly not! So go both of you with Our Signs. We shall be with you listening to everything. (26:16) Go, then, to Pharaoh and say to him: 'The Lord of the Universe has sent us (26:17) that you let the Children of Israel go with us.'" (26:18) Pharaoh said: "Did we not bring you up among us when you were a child? (26:19) You spent many years of your life among us and then you committed that deed of yours. You are very ungrateful indeed." (26:20) Moses replied: "I committed that act erringly. (26:21) Then I fled for fear of you. Then my Lord bestowed wisdom and authority on me and made me one of the Messengers. (26:22) Now this is the favour that you tauntingly remind me of: that you enslaved the Children of Israel!" (26:23) Pharaoh said: "And who is this Lord of the Universe?" (26:24) Moses answered: "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them, if you were only to believe." (26:25) Pharaoh said to those around him: "Do you hear (what he says)?" (26:26) Moses said: "(He is) Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore." (26:27) Pharaoh said to the audience: "This Messenger of yours who has been sent to you is simply mad." (26:28) Moses continued: "(He is) the Lord of the east and the west, and all between them. If you only had any understanding!" (26:29) Pharaoh said: "If you take any god other than me, I will certainly make you one of those (who are rotting) in prison." (26:30) Moses said: "Even if I were to bring a Clear Sign to you?" (26:31) Pharaoh said: "Then bring it if you are truthful at all." (26:32) (No sooner had he said this than) Moses threw down his rod and behold, it was a veritable serpent, (26:33) and he drew his hand (out of his armpit) and lo! it had become a shining object to the beholders….