(35:1) All praise be to Allah, the Fashioner of the heavens and earth, Who appointed angels as His message bearers, having two, three, four wings. He adds to His creation whatever He pleases. Verily Allah has power over everything. (35:2) Whatever Mercy Allah accords to people, none can withhold; and whatever He withholds, no other will be able to release after Him. He is Most Mighty, Most Wise. (35:3) O people, remember Allah's favour upon you. Is there any creator, apart from Allah, who provides you your sustenance out of the heavens and earth? There is no god but He. Whither are you, then, being misdirected? (35:4) (O Prophet), (there is nothing novel in it) if they cry lies to you;Messengers before you were also cried lies to. To Allah shall all matters be sent back. (35:5) O people, assuredly Allah's promise is true. So let the life of the world not delude you, and let not the Deluder delude you concerning Allah. (35:6) Surely Satan is an enemy to you. Therefore, do take him as an enemy. He calls his followers to his way so that they may be among the inmates of the Fire. (35:7) A severe chastisement lies in store for those that disbelieve, but there is pardon and a great reward for those that believe and work righteous deeds. (35:8) (How awful is the straying of the person) for whom his evil deed has been embellished so that it looks fair to him? The fact is that Allah causes whomsoever He will to fall into error and shows the Right Way to whomsoever He will. So, (O Prophet), let not your life go to waste sorrowing over them. Allah is well aware of all that they do. (35:9) It is Allah Who sends forth winds which then set the clouds in motion, which We drive to some dead land giving a fresh life to earth after it had become dead. Such will be the resurrection of the dead. (35:10) He who seeks glory, let him know that all glory belongs to Allah alone. To Him do good words go up, and righteous action uplifts them. But those who contrive evil deeds, a severe punishment lies in store for them, and their contriving will come to naught. (35:11) Allah created you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, then He made you into pairs. No female conceives, nor delivers (a child) except with His knowledge. None is given a long life nor is any diminished in his life but it is written in a Book. Surely that is quite easy for Allah. (35:12) The two masses of water are not alike. The one is sweet, sates thirst, and is pleasant to drink from, while the other is salt, bitter on the tongue. Yet from both you eat fresh meat, and extract from it ornaments that you wear; and you see ships cruising through it that you may seek of His Bounty and be thankful to Him. (35:13) He causes the night to phase into the day and the day into the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course to an appointed term. That is Allah, your Lord; to Him belongs the Kingdom; but those whom you call upon, apart from Allah, possess not so much as the skin of a date-stone. (35:14) If you call upon them, they cannot hear your prayer. And if they hear it, they cannot answer it. On the Day of Resurrection they will disown you for associating others with Allah in His Divinity. No one can inform you of the truth save the All-Aware....