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Quran English Translation

Quran Chapter 44: Surah Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke) English Translation

5 min • 3 augusti 2022

(44:1) Ha'. Mim. (44:2) By the Clear Book. (44:3) We revealed it on a Blessed Night, for We were intent on warning; (44:4) (We revealed it on the Night) wherein every matter is wisely determined (44:5) by Our command. Verily, We were set to send a Messenger (44:6) as a Mercy from your Lord. Surely He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing, (44:7) the Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them: if you would only have sure faith. (44:8) There is no god but He: He gives life and causes death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore. (44:9) (But the fact is, they lack certainty) and frolic about in doubt. (44:10) So watch for the Day when the sky will come down with a pall of smoke, (44:11) enveloping people. That will be a grievous scourge. (44:12) (People will then say): “Our Lord, remove this scourge from us; we shall believe.” (44:13) But how will they take heed? Such are they that a Messenger came to them clearly expounding the Truth, (44:14) yet they turned away from him and said: “This is a well-tutored madman.” (44:15) Yet We will hold the scourge back for a while, (but no sooner than We will do so) you will revert to your old ways. (44:16) The Day when We shall seize them with a mighty seizing, that will be the Day on which We shall inflict upon you full retribution. (44:17) Indeed before that We subjected the Pharaonites to the same test. A noble Messenger came to them (44:18) (and said): “Deliver to me Allah's servants. I am a trustworthy Messenger to you, (44:19) and do not exalt yourselves in defiance of Allah. I have come to you with a clear authority (as a Messenger). (44:20) I have taken refuge with my Lord and your Lord lest you should attack me with stones. (44:21) But if you do not believe what I say, leave me alone (and desist from laying hands on me).” (44:22) Then he called upon his Lord: “These are a criminal people.” (44:23) (He was told): “Set out with My servants by night for you will certainly be pursued. (44:24) And leave the sea behind you as calm as ever. Surely they are an army that is doomed to be drowned.” (44:25) How many gardens did they leave behind, and how many fountains (44:26) and sown fields and splendid mansions, (44:27) and the life of ease in which they took delight! (44:28) Thus it was; and We made another people inherit all that. (44:29) Then neither the sky shed tears over them nor the earth. They were granted no respite.

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