(6:1) All praise is for Allah alone, Who created the heavens and the earth, and brought into being light and darkness, and yet those who have rejected the call of the Truth ascribe others to be equals to their Lord. (6:2) He it is Who has created you out of clay, and then decreed a term (of life), and has also appointed another term, a term determined with Him. Yet you are in doubt! (6:3) And He it is Who is One True God in the heavens and in the earth. He knows your deeds - both secret and open - and knows fully whatever you earn. (6:4) Yet every time a sign of their Lord comes to them, they turn away from it, (6:5) and thus they gave the lie to the Truth that has now come to them. Soon they will come upon some news concerning what they had mocked at. (6:6) Have they not seen how many a people We have destroyed before them? People whom We had made more powerful in the earth than you are and upon them We showered from the heavens abundant rains, and at whose feet We caused the rivers to flow? And then (when they behaved ungratefully) We destroyed them for their sins, and raised other peoples in their place. (6:7) (O Messenger!) Had We sent down to you a book incribed on parchment, and had they even touched it with their own hands, the unbelievers would still have said: 'This is nothing but plain magic.' (6:8) They also say: 'Why has no angel been sent down to this Prophet?' Had We sent down an angel, the matter would surely have long been decided and no respite would have been granted them. (6:9) Had We appointed an angel, We would have sent him down in the form of a man - and thus We would have caused them the same doubt which they now entertain. (6:10) And indeed before your time (O Muhammad!) many a Messenger has been scoffed at; but those who mocked at them were encompassed by the Truth they had scoffed at. (6:11) Say: 'Go about journeying the earth, and behold the end of those who gave the lie (to the Truth).' (6:12) Ask thern: 'To whom belongs all that is in the heavens and on the earth?' Say: 'Everything belongs to Allah.' He has bound Himself to the exercise of mercy (and thus does not chastise you for your disobedience and excesses instantly). Surely He will gather you all together on the Day of Resurrection - the coming of which is beyond doubt; but those who have courted their own ruin are not going to believe. (6:13) And to Him belongs all that dwells in the night and the day. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (6:14) Say: 'Shall I take for my guardian anyone other than Allah - the Originator of the heavens and earth; He Who feeds and Himself is not fed?' Say: 'Surely I have been commanded to be the first among those who submit (to Allah) and not to be one of those who associate others with Allah in His divinity (even though others may do so).' (6:15) Say: 'Surely do I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the chastisement of an awesome Day. (6:16) Whosoever has been spared chastisement on that Day, Allah has bestowed His mercy upon him. That is the manifest triumph. (6:17) Should Allah touch you with affliction, there is none to remove it but He; and should He touch you with good, He has the power to do everything. (6:18) He has the supreme hold over His servants. He is All-Wise, All-Aware. (6:19) Ask them: 'Whose testimony is the greatest?' Say: 'Allah is the witness between me and you; and this Qur'an was revealed to me that I should warn you thereby and also whomsoever it may reach.' Do you indeed testify that there are other gods with Allah? Say: 'I shall never testify such a thing.' Say: 'He is the One God and I am altogether averse to all that you associate with Him in His divinity.' (6:20) Those whom We have given the Book will recognize this just as they recognize their own ofspring; but those who have courted their own ruin will not believe.....