(60:1) Believers, if you have left (your homes and) have come forth to struggle in My Way and to seek My good pleasure, do not make friends with My enemies and your enemies. You befriend them whereas they have spurned the Truth that has come to you; and (such is their enmity that) they expel the Messenger and yourselves for no other reason than that you believe in Allah, your Lord. You send to them messages of friendship in secrecy, although I know well whatever you do, be it secretly or publicly. And whosoever of you does so has indeed strayed far away from the Straight Path. (60:2) If they could overcome you, they would act as your foes and would hurt you by their hands and tongues, and would love to see you become unbelievers. (60:3) On the Day of Resurrection neither your blood-kindred nor your own offspring will avail you. (On that Day) He will separate you. Allah sees all that you do. (60:4) You have a good example in Abraham and his companions: they said to their people: “We totally dissociate ourselves from you, and from the deities that you worship instead of Allah. We renounce you and there has come to be enmity and hatred between us and you until you believe in Allah, the One True God.” (But you may not emulate) Abraham's saying to his father: “Certainly I will ask pardon for you, although I have no power over Allah to obtain anything on your behalf.” (And Abraham and his companions prayed): “Our Lord, in You have we put our trust, and to You have we turned, and to You is our ultimate return. (60:5) Our Lord, do not make us a test for the unbelievers, and forgive us, our Lord. Surely You are Most Mighty, Most Wise.” (60:6) Indeed there is a good example for you in them; a good example for anyone who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day. As for him who turns away, Allah is All-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy. ..............