The male has an «X» and a «Y» chromosome, while the female has two «X» chromosomes. Therefore, the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm and not by the egg. The creation of a Human Being is an incredible process. The Qur'an explains that the embryo is formed from a drop of semen, which is only a part of the whole, and that the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm from the male. In the 7th century, it was impossible for anyone to have known these details, but modern technology has validated that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
The embryo adheres to the mother's uterus like a leech and develops in three dark regions. The mother has no role in determining the sex of the baby, and the sperm is created in the best possible way. Embryo formation begins with combining the X and Y chromosomes from the mother and father. If a sperm containing an X chromosome unites with the female's ovum, a female baby is born. If it unites with a sperm containing a Y chromosome, a male baby is born.
The Qur'an reveals that the baby's sex is determined by the sperm from the father, not the mother. The zygote then divides and becomes an embryo that clings to the uterus, where it obtains its essential substances from the mother's body. Finally, the bones of the embryo develop first and then the muscles form to wrap around them. The Qur'an states that human beings are created through a three-stage process in the mother's womb. Modern embryology has revealed that these stages occur in three distinct regions of the mother's body, involving the placenta, the lateral abdominal wall, and the wall of the womb.
Each layer consists of three distinct layers, and the baby undergoes three phases of development in the womb: pre-embryonic, embryonic, and fetal. This information was only made available through modern scientific advances, yet it is accurately described in the Qur'an, demonstrating its divine origin.