The Qur'an provides advice to Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him) to "stamp the foot" in the face of exhaustion and suffering inflicted by Satan. This movement is beneficial for health, as it increases blood flow and oxygen to cells, eliminates fatigue, and increases resistance to microbes, prevents heart disease, regularizes blood sugar, and raises good cholesterol. Additionally, walking barefoot is a great way to release static electricity from the body, washing reduces stress and tension, and drinking water cleanses the body of impurities and combats fatigue, tiredness, and drowsiness.
153. Prof. Fehmi Tuncel, Bilim Teknik, January 1993.
154. Barbara A. Brehm, "Your Health and
Fitness," Fitness Management Magazine, 1990.
155. Kathleen Mullen, Some Benefits of Exercise, (Medical Times C. Brown Publishers: 1986).