Nature is an incredible source of inspiration for scientists and R&D experts, leading to the development of biomimicry: a new branch of science that seeks to imitate living things. Through biomimicry, researchers are able to develop new technologies by studying and imitating the designs created in nature by Allah. This approach has been applied in the world of technology, particularly in nanotechnology, robot technology, artificial intelligence, medicine, and the military. By drawing from these natural systems as models, humans are able to create more sustainable technologies than those in use today.
Biomimicry has surprised scientists and revealed incomparable structures and systems that have the potential to enrich technology in a wide range of fields. Nature is a source of inspiration for scientists, and biomimicry is a way of using the extraordinary designs in living things in the service of humanity. Scientists are making important gains with regard to time and labor, and using less material resources by imitating nature. There are many scientific papers that discuss these topics, such as "Science is Imitating Nature," "Life's Lessons in Design," "Biomimicry: Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight," and more. In the 19th century, nature was only imitated aesthetically, but in the 20th century, scientists began studying natural mechanisms at the molecular level and learned from living things, as revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.
159. Frederick Pratter, "Stories from the Field Offer Clues on Physics and Nature," Christian Science Monitor;
160. "Biomimicry;"
161. Michelle Nijhuis, High Country News, July 6, 1998, vol. 30, no. 13,
162. "Biomimicry Explained: A Conversation with Janine Benyus,"
163. Bilim ve Teknik, August 1994, 43.
164. Philip Ball, "Life's lessons in design," Nature 409 (2001): 413-16;
165. "Biomimicry: Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight," NBL (New Bottom Line) 6, no. 22, November 17, 1997;
166. Janine M. Benyus, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.: 1998);
167. Ed Hunt, "Biomimicry: Genius that Surrounds Us," Tidepool,
168. Robin Eisner, "Biomimetics: Creating Materials from Nature's Blueprints," The Scientist, July 8, 1991;
169. Jim Robbins, "Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice," New York Times, December 11, 2001.