Allah is the absolute Being who is everywhere. He is not confined to any place, but is present in all places, East and West. He is the Self-Sustaining, the All-Knowing, and the All-Merciful. He is closer to us than our own jugular veins and sees and hears all things.
He has power over all things and has predetermined the destiny of all humans. Understanding these truths will help people to better comprehend the verses of the Qur'an and accept Allah's will. They could not comprehend the fact that Allah is everywhere. Allah is everywhere.
He encompasses everything. Allah encompasses everything; He encompasses the things we say, the things we do, the things we think. Allah is the ultimate creator and controller of Destiny and all Things. He encompasses all things in the heavens and on earth, and knows what will occur before it happens. We must not assume an arrogant attitude and think we have more control than we do, as Allah is everywhere and aware of our every action.
We must accept that Allah is in control of our lives and that we should not think of ourselves as divine, as this is forbidden. Allah is outside of time and space, and is not an entity that can be seen or touched. No matter where one is in the world, they will point towards the sky when they pray to Allah. It is important to remember that free will exists, but it is within the destiny that Allah has created. Therefore, Allah determines our destiny and what things will happen in our lives.