This episode talks about some verses from the Quran that refers to knowledge and attributes granted to Prophets David and Solomon (peace be upon them). It mentions that the terms used in those verses like "echoing" and describing iron as soft or malleable can be references to modern radar technology. It provides explanations about how radar works using reflection of electromagnetic waves, how soft iron is used to strengthen magnetic fields and how the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) controlling the winds could indicate controlling electromagnetic signals. It notes that the Quran remarkably described principles of advanced technology like radar centuries before their invention.
1. What verses from the Quran are mentioned in the episode as referring to knowledge granted to Prophets David and Solomon (peace be upon them)?
2. What term used in one of the Quranic verses that refers to echoing is believed to be reminiscent of the operating principle of radar technology?
3. What property of iron mentioned in one of the verses and what does it indicate about iron's use in radar and satellite technology according to the context?
4. What is mentioned in the episode as reference to how the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) controlling the winds could indicate?
5. What does radar technology do according to the episode?