Surah az-Zumar (Quran chapter 39) consists of 75 verses. This surah (chapter) carries the main message of purity and worship of God. It emphasizes that only God deserves to be worshipped, and there is no god besides Him. Surah az-Zumar also emphasizes the importance of taqwa, i.e. piety towards God in all aspects of life.
In addition, this surah touches on the concept of the Day of Judgment and the reward that humans will receive for their deeds in this world. It outlines that those who believe and do good deeds will be rewarded in the afterlife, while those who disbelieve will be punished.
Surah az-Zumar also teaches us to contemplate the greatness of God's creation through the universe and His evident Signs around us. It reminds us to always be grateful for the blessings given by God and to improve our relationship with Him through worship and good deeds.
With this summary, it is hoped that Muslims can better understand the content of surah az-Zumar and take guidance from the lessons and values contained therein.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.