Believers strive to conduct themselves in a way that earns God's consent. They understand that life is a test, and their outlook is in compliance with the commands of the Qur'an. This audio explains that life is a test created by God to judge which of us is the best in action. People who understand this strive to conduct themselves in a way that earns God's consent, while those who do not adhere to the commands of the Qur'an think that much of their lives is subject to coincidence. Ultimately, life is temporary and everyone is vulnerable to death, which is why we must all contemplate the purpose of our creation on earth: to be a servant to the Creator.
This knowledge should inform how we live our lives, as person, in this life, for the world. This audio speaks to the importance of understanding the trials of life, in order to be able to conduct oneself with virtue and patience. God does not impose a burden greater than we can bear, and He promises that we will never be wronged. It is essential to remember that the world is a place of test, and that when we meet difficulties, we must not despair but rather consider the good in it. Through this understanding, a person can develop the qualities of courage, patience, compassion, loyalty, devotion, love, and self-sacrifice, which will lead to a reward in the hereafter.
Ultimately, by understanding the trials of life, a person will gain a better appreciation of the blessings and offerings in Paradise. People of faith understand that any difficulties they face in life will ultimately lead to bliss in the Hereafter. They accept the morality commanded in the Qur'an and are aware that any misfortune that befalls them is from themselves. With patience, wisdom, forgiveness, and compassion, they can experience a happiness that can only come from faith and will continue into eternity. Believers understand that all events in life are predetermined by God and submit themselves to destiny, knowing that all will turn out for the best.
Satan encourages humans to rebel against God and be ungrateful by appealing to their weaknesses and whispering deceptive ploys. He attempts to instill fear of poverty and hinders people from seeing the good of their own deeds. However, true believers understand that an ultimate good exists in all circumstances and can never be swayed by Satan's plans. They put their trust in God and accept hardships without becoming rebellious or complaining.