How did the endless universe we live in come into being? How did the equilibrium, harmony, and order of this universe develop? How is it that this Earth is such a fit and sheltering place for us to live in? Questions such as these have attracted attention since the dawn of the human race. The structure and order of this universe are one of the evidences of the existence of Almighty God, the supreme Creator ruling over the whole universe.
The episode discusses evidence for the Big Bang theory of the origins of the universe. It describes how observations by astronomers like Hubble showed that galaxies are moving away from each other, implying an expanding universe moving backwards in time to an initial singularity. This supported the idea that the universe began approximately 14 billion years ago in a massive explosion. Other evidence mentioned includes cosmic microwave background radiation and the relative abundances of light elements formed in the early universe.
This episode discusses how the Big Bang theory contradicted earlier ideas of a static, unchanging universe and was resisted by supporters of philosophical materialism. It discusses how the formation of order after the Big Bang points to a supernatural creator. It notes how finely tuned the expansion rate and physical constants are, and how unlikely it is that such order could arise from chance. The physics professor Stephen Hawking is quoted saying the expansion rate was extremely precise. The context argues that explosions normally cause disorder, not order, so the ordered formation of galaxies after the Big Bang implies intelligent design. It discusses how the Big Bang overturned the idea of eternal matter and proved the universe had a beginning. This Creator must exist outside the universe and created both matter and time.