Today on the show we have the delightful Nay Noordmans of House of Gnomi to talk about the Saint beloved as much by Faeries and chthonic deities as by the good Catholics of Tours: Saint Martin. In honor of his feast day — and Old Halloween — Nay takes us on a deep dive of the life of Saint Martin, and we explore some of the more novel and whimsical moments in his hagiography. Nay also delves into how Saint Martin plays a role in the classic Fortean story of the Green Children of Woolpit, and might himself blur the lines between Saint and psychopomp at times. In what is sure to be the first of many conversations with Nay, we also explore the idea of the "Faerie Saint" as an intercessor for the magical practitioner, and where Fortean studies could be contextualized with magical philosophy.
House of Gnomi:
Nay's Links:
"Stormy Point / Back of Beyond / The Seamstress" off the album Fable & Fire by Andrew Marlin -