It's refreshing to talk to an artist who likes a bit of the absurd. And who bucked the trend of his home country and started making work that blended performance, fashion, sculpture, text, video, theater and interaction that turned him into an internationally acclaimed artist who is known to make fine art out of, well, the absurd moments of daily life. Vienna-based Erwin Wurm comes from a refreshingly old school way of a studio practice that utilizes ideas over function. We might know him for his "fat sculptures" or his one-minute sculptures, and you may know him for fashion shoots for the likes of Hermès, but really, we Wurm is in a league of his own in terms of what conceptual art can be.
On the occasion of his solo museum show, HOT, on view at SCAD MOA, Radio Juxtapoz sat down with Wurm from his home in Vienna to talk about his practice, his history in the Austrian art scene, the fun of one minute sculpture and how having a museum show across the world in Savannah is great opportunity for him to talk about where he plans to go in the future.
The Radio Juxtapoz podcast is hosted by FIFTH WALL TV's Doug Gillen and Juxtapoz editor, Evan Pricco. Episode 126 was recorded in October 2023 in Los Angeles, Vienna and London. Follow us on @radiojuxtapoz