Dec. 6th is the last Bandcamp Friday of the year.
One Friday a month, Bandcamp relinquishes their cut of all the sales on the site. Effectively giving the artists 100% of the profits. We've been big supporters of BCF for years now. So this week we figured we'd throw out some of our recommends to add to your collection. But don't just take our suggestions. Run, don't walk, to Bandcamp right now.
In our "News, Views and Tunes", we remember the Cabbage Patch Kid riots. Musically, we crank new Anialator (TX), Sign Of The Jackal, Evil Survives, Against Empire, The Pist, Hellfire Club '76, Leatherhead, Hippie Death Cult and we introduce folk metallers Mythbegotten in our "Indie Spotlight".
Snowy's Picks:
Aaron's Picks:
Horns Up!