Jeffrey S. Klein, MD, Editor of RadioGraphics, discusses seven articles from the October Monograph 2019 issue of RadioGraphics. ARTICLES DISCUSSED: Imaging-based Selection for Endovascular Treatment in Stroke., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1696–1713.; CT for Treatment Selection in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Code Stroke Primer., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1717–1738.; Acute Headache in the Emergency Setting., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1739–1759.; Traumatic Neck and Skull Base Injuries., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1796–1807.; Diagnostic Approach to Intrinsic Abnormality of Spinal Cord Signal Intensity., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1824–1839.; Postoperative Spinal CT: What the Radiologist Needs to Know., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1840–1861.; Dental Emergencies: A Practical Guide.,RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1782–1795.