The Beatles kicked off sessions for Rubber Soul with a song John wrote based off a lyric lifted from an Elvis song. It's an interesting case that on a record where they tap into the idea that "the word is 'Love'" but close that record out with "Run For Your Life," perhaps the most aggressive and threatening song Lennon ever wrote. The lyrical content being at odds with all things "fab," it's a shame that a band so known for bringing joy and happiness never took the time to second guess what they were singing about on this track. It's the angrier, scarier version of the possessive side of himself on display later in "Jealous Guy." Disowned by Lennon himself in the 70s, and named as the worst Beatles song by NME Magazine, "Run For Your Life" is the rare severe misstep in the band's catalog.
This week we're joined by Diana Erickson, co-host of The Beatles podcast "Another Kind of Mind," a podcast which presents a fresh, well-researched, irreverent, nuanced, and emotionally intelligent analyses of the Beatles’ story. It's one of our favorite Beatle podcasts. We dive deep into the roots of the causes that enable someone to write a song with this kind of message, looking at the the yin and yang of personality that was John Lennon. What of that possessive side? Where does that intense feeling come from for John? We discuss the pros and cons of putting your faults out in the public eye, while also being brave enough to own up to those faults and work to overcome them in that same public forum. We also discuss how the AKOM team decided to shine a new light on the well-worn tale of the band, the complications of relationships and the effects they have, and the mutual upbringing of having no other Beatle-centric friends as a kid.
Do yourselves a favor and subscribe to Another Kind of Mind anywhere you listen to podcasts. Join in their deep discussions on their Facebook Discussion Group, FB page, Twitter, Instagram. and Tumblr. And be on the look out for new episodes coming soon!
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