It's our first ever crossover episode! We're putting our heads together with Tommy, Scotty, and Becker, the hosts of Blotto Beatles, a podcast where they discuss a different Beatles song over a handful of adult beverages, then decide where it should rank in their personal rankings. Great minds think alike!
In this episode, we discuss "I'll Get You," the b-side to the "She Loves You" single. It's a song that really has no downside to it, it shows the Fabs already learning how to work the crowd, even on record, and has one of my absolute favorite John & Paul joint vocals. 99.9% of other bands would absolutely kill for this kind of song to be their b-side, lesser bands made careers out of songs that weren't as good as this.
We also discuss growing up with friends who bond over the Beatles, kleptomaniac parents, intimate ideas for show that Macca could (but probably would never) do, and invent what's destined to be the first official Ranking the Beatles merch, the Paul Shawl.
Blotto Beatles can be heard anywhere you listen to podcasts, including Apple and Spotify, as well as on their website, We highly recommend kicking back with the beverage of your choice and hanging with our new pod pals!
Be sure to follow along and leave your comments on the rankings, and the show, on Facebook ( and on Instagram @rankingthebeatles