In this podcast, Dr Charlie Andrews, committee member of the Primary Care Society of Gastroenterology and Clinical Champion for West of England for inflammatory bowel disease, discusses various aspects of coeliac disease, from when it should be considered through to longer term management. He offers hints to diagnostic clues which should prompt testing, and guidance on the process of testing, including consuming enough gluten in the run-up to investigating. Patients need support and information once the diagnosis is made, and Charlie explains what you can do as a GP and who else may need to be involved in their ongoing care.
This podcast was produced as part of the Autoimmunity Education app, which will be available on the RCGP Online Learning Environment from October 2019.
Reviewed: August 2023
Financial support for the project was provided as a sponsorship from
Thermo Fisher Scientific. Editorial and content decisions were made solely by the RCGP.