Remember when Vanessa and Steph talked about their birth stories in "What the birth?" This sparked their interest in talking to experts in the labor and delivery field. They speak with the smart, funny, and very candid Hilary Erickson, a.k.a. The Pregnancy Nurse®. The ladies talk about how to create your hospital birth plan, what to do and what not to do while in the hospital, and just some crazy little stories she's experienced as a nurse for the past 25+ years.
Hilary teaches families how to simplify the labor room, their homes, and their families through online courses, podcasts, writing, video, and other content. Hilary has been a nurse since 1997 and has 20 years of labor and delivery experience. Pulling Curls was started in 2005 and Hilary is consistently found to be an honest OG leader in the "blogging" community. She lives in the Phoenix area with her husband and 3 children (some of whom are adults now).
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples
DISCLAIMER: This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help.
This episode was edited by the geriatric millennial, your co-host, Vanessa Anderson
Music by our kids’ brilliant piano teacher, John-William Gambrell
Art by the creative genius Farron Sanders of FiGS ideation Design