Also known as transitional objects, security blankets can be an important emotional support for children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. As a kid, did you have a security blanket, a lovey, or something that gave you comfort? Do your kids have one? Are there items that are emotional support for you now as an adult?
Vanessa and Steph divulge their security “blankets.” We hope this episode takes you down memory lane and that you can cherish the items that made you feel safe.
DISCLAIMER: This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help.
This episode was edited by the geriatric millennial, your co-host, Vanessa Anderson
Music by our kids’ brilliant piano teacher, John-William Gambrell
Art by the creative genius Farron Sanders of FiGS ideation Design