Join Vanessa and Steph as they have an honest chat with Suzy Yatim Aslam, who wrote the book Post Pardon Me. For those moms on the go, give it a listen on Audible and hear Suzy’s wonderful storytelling voice!
What Suzy has to share is real, raw, and an honest take on what can go on in a new mother’s mind postpartum. Her book is written in the form of journal entries, using candid language and dark humor to illustrate her struggle with postpartum depression and anxiety. Each new mother’s journey is different, let’s listen and have an open mind to an experience that may not be our own.
A note from Suzy, which you can also find when you purchase her book here. “I wrote Post Pardon Me not to offer medical advice but to hold the hand of mothers who struggle with the dark thoughts that can accompany postpartum depression and anxiety. I love laughter. It really is the best medicine. (Sorry real doctors.) Laughter may not make the sadness go away forever but it can be the reprieve we need to make it through dark moments. A good comedian or a funny book is just the ticket sometimes. So that's what my book is; a cheeky, slightly irreverent dark comedy that you read and think "Ah! That's how I feel too!" And you'll know; you'll know that you're not alone.”
DISCLAIMER: This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help.